  • 期刊


Effects of Resistance Training on Relevant Markers of Diabetes


美國運動醫學學會(American College of Sport Medicine) 與美國糖尿病學會(American Diabetes Association)皆建議一般大眾或糖尿病患者進行規律運動,以預防罹患慢性疾病與防止糖尿病惡化。有氧運動在許多糖尿病研究或實際應用上都能展現相當不錯的成效,但相較於有氧訓練而言,阻力訓練對糖尿病的影響仍不甚明朗。因此本篇綜論將整理阻力訓練對糖尿病指標影響的相關文獻,以探討阻力訓練對糖尿病是否有其效益;並透過相關的研究設計來瞭解何種阻力訓練模式對改善糖尿病可能具有較佳的效果。根據多數的研究數據顯示,阻力訓練對糖尿病相關指標有其正面影響,如提高胰島素敏感性、葡萄糖耐受性及降低糖化血色素比例等,而訓練效果需仰賴適宜的訓練內容,鑑此文中整理出相關研究的訓練內容設計並加以討論,期許能作為相關訓練人員或一般大眾之實用與參考。


American College of Sport Medicine and American Diabetes Association both suggest that the public and diabetic patients should perform regular physical activity to prevent development of chronic diseases and to slow progression of diabetes. The potenital benefits of aerobic training on diabetes has been demonstrated by a number of studies and clinical practices. Although aerobic training can improve diabetes outcomes, effects of resistance training on diabetes are still unclear. The present article reviewed relevant literature to assess the association between resistance training and markers of diabetes. Furthermore, we addressed what kinds of resistance tarining program are more efficacies to improve diabetes outcomes. Most studies have shown that resistance training has a positive association with diabetes outcomes, such as increasing insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance and decreasing the percentage of glycosylated hemoglobin. The effect of training is mainly based on an appropriate training design. Therefore, we also discussed the effects of different training designs in relevant studies that can be used as a guideline for health workers and the public.


American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand(1998).The recommended quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, and flexibility in healthy adults.Medicine and Science in Sports Exercise.30(6),975-991.
Arora, E.,Shenoy, S.,Sandhu, J. S.(2009).Effects of resistance training on metabolic profi le of adults with type 2 diabetes.The Indian Journal of Medical Research.129(5),515-519.


張立盈(2012)。環狀式油壓阻力訓練對於老年女性 肌少症之效益〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315284348
