  • 期刊


Characteristics of fast break in 1^(st) division of the Taiwanese Women's college basketball games


快攻為籃球進攻戰術極為重要的部份也是當前國內外籃球運動普遍採用的進攻戰術之一。除了以快速有效率的攻守轉換之外,能使進攻方在無防守或多打少的情況下,以快速運球或傳導執行,以獲得高成功的得分率。目的:了解大專女子第一級籃球比賽快攻表現的特性。方法:觀察105和106年大專女子第一級籃球決賽,共8場賽事資料,標記進攻時間、球權來源、完成型態、與得分位置等內容,以SPSS 20.0進行卡方獨立性考驗,檢驗所記錄變項間之關聯性。結果:快攻的球權來源和進攻時間有顯著關聯,短時間(4秒內)快攻多半來自於抄截、阻截,而長時間(5-8秒)的快攻則多來自於防守籃板;完成類型和得分位置呈現高顯著關聯,快攻多以上籃方式完成進攻;快攻的成功與否和得分的位置也呈現高顯著關聯,成功快攻大都集中在禁區,越靠近籃框的位置完成得分的機率也越高(ps<.05)。結論:籃球快攻時間的長短與起始位置有關。來自傳球阻截或運球抄截的快攻可能源自靠近前場位置,因此完成時間較短;另外,大部分的快攻都以上籃為主要完成類型並在禁區為成功得分的位置。


Purpose: Fast break is described as the most efficient strategy to make a transition from defense to offence. This strategy is also considered one of the key factors in basketball tactics. The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of fast breaks in 1^(st) division of the Taiwanese Women's college basketball games. Method: Eight games from the 2016 and 2017 division 1 of the Women's college basketball were recorded and analyzed for the relation among the durations of fast break, the number of attacker-defender, the type of ball recovery, the completion type and completion zone by using the Chi-squared test of independence. Results: There were significant associations between the type of ball recovery and the durations of fast break, x^2_6= 18.188, and as well as between the completion type and the completion zone, x^2_7= 48.41 (ps < .05). Conclusions: For fast breaks, there was a common relation between the duration of fast break and the type of ball recovery where steal and interception were observed the most when the players make a transition play. In addition, when the players received a ball in the fast break, the most frequent completion form was, in the ascending order, being foul (3-point-line), direct shooting (middle range), and lay up (paint area).


Performance Analysis Team Sports Tactics


曹健仲、張延飛(1994):籃球比賽成績的攻守技術代表性項目之編製。體育學報,18輯,113-123 頁。
