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Effects of Sensorimotor Alpha Neurofeedback Training on Golf Putting Performance


目的:本研究旨在探討Cz α-ERD的神經回饋訓練對高爾夫選手推桿表現的影響。方法:以有經驗的高爾夫選手三名為研究參與者,其中二名為神經回饋訓練組,給予每週二至三次共十六次,每次約三十分鐘之訓練;另一位為控制組未接受訓練。採單一受試研究之跨受試多基線設計,進行基線期(參與者甲、乙、丙)、介入期(參與者甲、乙)和維持期(參與者甲)的推桿表現測量及腦波蒐集,參與者乙、丙分別因比賽時間衝突及教練反對因素而未完成三期資料蒐集。結果:接受神經回饋訓練的二位參與者,在介入期的推桿表現分別有明顯提升或趨向穩定,Cz α-ERD的變化趨勢並不一致;參與者甲在停止訓練後的維持期仍維持介入期的推桿表現。結論:神經回饋訓練對推桿表現有提升、穩定的作用且具保留效果的趨勢;而其對推桿前Cz α-ERD也有影響,但影響的方向性未明。神經回饋訓練對精準性運動表現的改善機制,是否藉由學習或Cz α-ERD所中介,仍待後續研究探討。


Purpose: This study was to investigate the effects of the sensorimotor α-ERD neurofeedback training on golf putting. Three experienced golfers were recruited in this study. Methods: A single-subject multiple baseline design was adopted for this study. Two of them received the neurofeedback training twice or three times a week, for 30 minutes per session, totally 16 sessions. Because of the time conflict with a golf game and the unsupported coach, the remaining participants served as a control and received no training. Putting performance and EEG were assessed before, during and after the neurofeedback training for the two subjects, and the controlled subject was only assessed during the baseline period. Results: The results indicated that the putting performance of one trainee is stable while the other has improved. The two trainees showed different changing trends in Cz alpha-ERD during the intervention period. Further, the effect of the neurofeedback training on putting lasted during the two weeks of retention period. Conclusion: It was concluded that Neurofeedback training demonstrates its effects on improving, stabilizing, and maintaining precision sports performance, but the way on which it impacts Cz α-ERD is still unclear. The mechanism of the neurofeedback training on precision sports performance may be mediated by the learning process or the extent of Cz α-ERD.


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