  • 期刊


The Registrar and the Collection Manager-The People Who Put a Museum's Collection Policy into Practice



蒐藏政策的制訂到實施,必須有多人的參與及費心,但真正深入參與並執行政策的館員,唯有登錄員與蒐藏經理。登錄員扮演著檔案的管理人,同時監督蒐藏品異動與管理作業的完成與實施,蒐藏經理則執行直接或間接接觸到蒐藏品的作業,二者其實是分工合作完成博物館對於蒐藏品的維護管理工作。因為蒐藏政策的執行,關係到全館蒐藏業務的成效,無上述二者的執行推動,蒐藏政策只是徒具其名而已,而二者工作內容之分際,也因各館的性質與人員編制而有所不同。 依國內目前的博物館生態,作者以蒐藏政策的執行內容來認知二者的職務與所扮演的角色,亦即以蒐藏品進出博物館或進出庫房作為二者之分際,以這樣的說明與分別,容易明瞭,且適合實施。 另外蒐藏經理與研究人員之間因蒐藏品的管理與研究使用,而時有衝突發生。其癥結實在於蒐藏經理的角色定位不明確,因此建議將其業務專業化並獨立化,威信如此才能充份發揮蒐藏經理的功能,使得蒐藏品的利用受到合理的管理。




The development and execution of a museums collection policy is a process which directly involves every part of the museum's collection. It must therefore be as thorough and complete as possible, and everyone involved in the process must be fully informed in order to develop a collection policy which will be in tune with the thinking of each other. Similarly, carrying out the policy requires complete support and coordination from all participants to ensure that the collection management system can be practically executed. From planning to practical execution, the collection policy must have multiple inputs from many people, but ultimate execution of the policy must be done by the registrar and the collection manager. A comprehensive collection policy must include the following conclusion: the scope of the collection, the acquisition strategy and approach, all details involved in getting the collection into the museum, the application of the collection, the security and the maintenance of the collection, the deaccession of the collection, and ethical regulations involved with a collection. Meanwhile, the registrar and collection manager play important roles in the execution and supervision process. The registrar is the person who collect the data of the collect, and he is in charge of monitoring the location and the maintenance of the collection. the collection manager is directly or indirectly involved in the handling and the maintenance of the collection. In fact, the collection manager and the registrar work side by side to manange the collection. The organization charts of the some museums may not show the positions of registrar and collection manager, but some person have to perform the functions as the registrar and the collection manager because the execution of the collection policy is significant to the outcome of the collection in the museum. Without the efforts of these two persons, the museums collection policy would be meaningless. In short, the duties of the collection manager include acquisition and deacquisition of collection pieces as well as movements into and out of storage, and would form quite a list if set out in detail. These are all small tasks that can have far-reaching effects in the closely related organization of the museum. Keeping everything in order and making sure everything is used effectively depends on the wisdom of the registrar and collection manager. In Taiwan, the system of collection management is slack and unprofessional and most of the museums have centralized system in place of the position registrar and collection manager. Mainly, the registrar is in charge of the acquisition and deacquisition of collection and the collection manager take care of their storage and removal. In a word, the registrar's main duty is to record and oversee pieces as they are added to the collection or removed; and the collection manager monitors the conditions of the pieces after they are put into storage or when they are brought out for display. On the other hand, although the collection manager and the research assistant both deal with pieces in the museum's collection, they work in different ways one in a position of management and the other in the position of research. From time to time conflicts may arise between them because that the duties of the collection manager are not clear. Therefore, it is important to investigate the reason of conflicts and to make the collection manager's job as professional and independent as possible. The relationship between the researcher and the collection manager should be fair and equitable, and both should be happy with the way things are handled. This is the best way to develop the effectiveness of the collection manager and to control the process of storing and displaying the pieces in the museum's collection.


