  • 期刊


An Attempted Exploration of "Appropriate Technology"



Ⅰ. Foreword In today's modern society one must understand science and technology and know how to use it, and how to control the knowledge and power that it represents. It is also important to recognize the impact that science and technology has on society, culture, value systems and the natural world around us. This means evaluating science and technology to select those parts of it that will be more useful in our lives. For example, large-scale projects such as Taiwan's seventh naphtha cracker, garbage incinerators, new nuclear power plants and new reservoirs all have a real impact on the lives of all of us. Thus it is essential that we as a people understand the role of science and technology so that both the government and the people will be educated on the issues and able to make informed decisions rather than simply protesting for the sake of protesting. Ⅱ. Uses and Abuses of Science and Technology Science and technology can be of great usefulness when it is applied to improving our daily lives, but it can also be harmful at the same time. Thus we must always keep science and technology in a proper perspective. As responsible citizens we should understand the scope and significance of science and technology, and we should know how to use and maintain the many products that science and technology has created. We must be able to judge the benefits and drawbacks involved in order to ensure that we get the best use of the science and technology that is available to us. It is often said that progress in science and technology leads the way for social ethics and moral law. Yet in today's world with its many laws and structures on human behavior there are many aspects of advances and breakthroughs in science that must be examined carefully. For example, biologists have made unprecedented advances in the technology for in vitro fertilization and 'test tube' babies-but how do we approach the question of cloning and the potential 'copying' of one human being from another? Ⅲ. Defining 'Appropriate' Science and Technology The main function of education in science and technology is to improve the overall level of scientific and technological knowledge of the people so that they have at least a basic understanding of what science is and its positive and negative effects on their daily lives. Correct knowledge, concepts and attitudes will help the public to make wise decisions on how to apply the breakthroughs arising from fast- moving scientific and technological research. But what precisely is 'appropriate' science and technology? What standards can we use to determine what is right and what is wrong for us and our society? A. A Definition of Appropriate Science and Technology Let us approach our definition of proper science and technology by beginning with the 'big picture', looking at it from several angles. After all, views of science vary widely from person to person depending on how much one knows about science, cultural differences and other factors. Thus we will observe from the broadest possible perspective to see how science and technology fits into our daily lives. Generally speaking, the best kind of technology is that which serves to make our lives more comfortable, makes it easier for science and people to interact, and helps to keep our environment functioning smoothly and properly. B. The Contents of Appropriate Science and Technology The following aspects should next be considered after setting a definition for appropriate science and technology: 1. It should be in the spirit of human ethics 2. It should respect the parameters of social morality 3. It should be entirely legal 4. It should be environmentally friendly 5. It should pose no harm to health or public safety 6. It should preserve the integrity of mathematics, science and technology 7. It should utilize advanced technology 8. It should be creative in spirit 9. It should be well thought out, bold and comprehensive Ⅳ. The Role of Museums in Appropriate Science and Technology The National Science and Technology Museum is a government sponsored institution which was established primarily to foster science and technology education among the public. This includes research, design and exhibition of topics which will introduce museum visitors to the latest advances in technology and explain how they can be applied in our daily lives. We are thus collecting and maintaining a store of information about science and technology on behalf of the people. The opening of the National Science and Technology Museum demonstrates the high level of importance the government of Taiwan places on science and technology and education in this field. The museum is destined to become an essential part of the educational process here, and will be an invaluable source of knowledge for the public as well as playing a number of other roles: A. A source of opportunity B. A source of inspiration C. A source of ideas Ⅴ. Conclusion Science and technology is a social phenomenon which stems from very special conditions and backgrounds. It is a product of positive actions such as creativity, development, change, dissemination and application. Science and technology also arises from the benefits, values, understanding and belief that exist between people. We should keep in mind that we are living today in an environment which has largely been created and shaped by technology. This environment is the setting for an ongoing struggle between man and nature in which people utilize differing amounts of technology. We need to pay more attention to how widely technology should be used in this environment and what benefits and disadvantages technology brings with it. This will help us to develop a balanced approach to technology which will work to the benefit of the public. Is it good or bad to give free rein to research in science and technology? I myself remain optimistic about the positive results that research brings, and it should be the goal of every person to find his or her own answer to this question.



