  • 期刊


Where Should We Go on the Weekends? Exploring the Marketing Competitiveness of Institutes of Social Education


隨著二十一世紀的到來,博物館所要面臨的挑戰,不只是功能的變革與經費的短缺,還要在日趨活絡的休閒市場上,找到自己的定位,擬定有效的行銷策略以爭取觀衆。 本研究藉由2001年終身學習節活動之辦理,進行問卷調查,以了解觀衆基本屬性、觀衆對南區博物館及社教機構之知名度與到訪率之資料、民衆週休二日時希望從事的休閒活動類型等。研究結果獲知:參與博物館及社教機構活動的觀衆群主要為12歲以下之兒童及其家長。獲知本次學習節活動訊息之管道,以專為活動設計之「學習手冊」比例為最高。南部地區之博物館及社教機構對南部民衆而言,各機構的知名度及到訪率以所在地最高,距離較遠的地區相對地知名度與到訪率就較低。然而,博物館及社教機構如規模大、主題明確、(如國立科學工藝博物館、國立海洋生物博物館)、歷史悠久功能佳(如高雄市立中正文化中心)、屬性鮮明行銷強(如高雄市立美術館),便能突破地區性的限制,在外縣市也能擁有可觀的知名度與到訪率。同時得知在休閒市場上,博物館及社教機構所能提供的文化休閒,僅次於「定點旅遊」休閒選項,在休閒市場上佔第二位。民衆對於博物館及社教機構所提供的各類活動中,以「藝文展覽」、「動手做或園遊會」與「遊戲或競賽」類的活動較受民衆的青睞。


With the arrival of the 21” century, the challenge a museum faces is not only functional reform but also deficiency of funds. It also has to locate its own position in the recreational market, gain increased attention, and develop effective Strategies to attract audiences. This research used a questionnaire survey during activities on 2001 Lifelong Learning Festival, in order to understand visitors’ fundamental attributes, information regarding the notability and visiting rate of museums and institutes of social education in southern Taiwan, as well as types of recreational activities the public expects to do on two-day weekends. Results of the research are as follows: visitors participating in activities held by museums and institutes of social education are mainly children under the age of twelve and their parents. Among the channels of obtaining information about activities on this particular festival, the ”learning manual”, specifically designed for events and activities, is the most popular. As for museums and institutes of social education in southern Taiwan, to people in the south, the location has the highest score in terms of notability and visiting rate. Institutes in remote locations have relatively lower fame and visiting rate. However, if museums and institutes of social education are large in size, have a well-defined theme (such as National Science & Technology Museum and National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium), have a long history, are versatile enough (such as Kaohsiung Culture Center), possess clear-cut features, and use creative marketing strategies (such as Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts), they can break through regional limits and gain considerable fame and visiting rate. Meanwhile, we also understand that, in the recreational market, the cultural recreation provided by museums and institutes of social education is only next to ”fixed location traveling”, ranked second on the recreational market. Among activities provided by these museums and institutes, ”artistic performance and exhibition”, ”hands-on activities and garden party”, and ”game and competition”, are the most popular.


