  • 期刊


The Management and Strategies of Yingge Ceramics Museum in Taipei County


管理與策略規劃是為了順利完成任務,但更積極的意義是創造新的存在價值,以臺北縣立鶯歌陶瓷博物館(以下簡稱:陶博館)為例,保存、教育功能之外,更有開創新局的使命,如地方發展與國際交流等。本文將先說明陶博館的目標任務、願景與組織編組,再從策略規劃的步驟,包括內外環境的評估、策略選擇、策略目標及分組計畫,逐一說明陶博館10年來的經營管理與策略,以及未來的可能方向。 鶯歌陶瓷博物館的使命係致力於展現臺灣陶瓷文化,激發社會大眾對陶瓷文化的關懷與興趣,提升鶯歌陶瓷產業與地方形象,促進國際交流。隨時空環境的變遷,陶博館的整體經營策略亦有所差異,以5年為單位,依序為「國際視野、專業現代」、「地方發展、全球佈局」,下一個5年則預計為「策略結盟、實質交流」;在此經營策略之下,各組業務的執行隨著經驗的累積,管理的策略也就有所不同,依序為集權管理、分權管理,下一個5年將以目標管理為準則。組織中最重要的是人才,確認組織的分期目標後,凝聚同仁之間的共識是最重要的步驟,陶博館的組織不大,沒有太大的行政包袱,也沒有僵化的管理模式,如何透過管理策略和技巧,協助同仁實踐其工作上的成就感,為管理與策略規劃的最重要意義。


The planning of management and strategies is for achieving missions successfully, yet its more positive meaning is to create a new value of existence. Take the Yingge Ceramics Museum as an example, in addition to the functions of preservation and education, the Museum also has a mission for innovations such as local development, international exchanges, etc. This article first describes the mission, vision and organization of the Museum. Then, it gradually explains the museum management and strategies for the past 10 years and its possible direction of the future from many strategy planning steps, which include the environmental evaluation, strategic selections and goals and individual team plans. The mission of Yingge Ceramics Museum is to showcase the ceramics in Taiwan and to address ceramic-related concerns and interests in order to promote the industry and the image of the Yingge area and to encourage international exchanges. However, due to the changes of time and spaces, the management strategies of the Museum are also changed. Our planning of management and strategies is based on a unit of 5 years. The first two 5-year strategies were on ”international view and modern profession” and ”local development and global layout”. For the next 5 years it would be ”strategic alliance and real exchanges”. Under this strategic management, every organizational team with accumulated experiences would change their management style from centralization to decentralization. This new principle would be target management. The most important part of the organization is its talented people. After the stated targets of organization are confirmed, the most important step is to build the staff's consensus. The Museum is a small organization with little executive burden and without rigid management modes. Therefore, how to use strategic management and skills to help the staff achieve a sense of accomplishment at works would be the most important goal of the management and strategic planning in the next five years.


museum management and strategies




