  • 期刊


Museums Lead Changes in Marine Education: The Relationship Between Parents' Attitudes Towards Marine Science and Their Children's Study of Marine Science




Surrounded by the sea, Taiwan relies on the ocean for job opportunities and economic growth. To improve citizens' marine literacy, the government has implemented many policies, among which marine science education plays a key role. In light of a dearth of teachers and a lack of educational material in formal education, informal education by institutions such as science museums is expected to play a part in improving the marine literacy of the public. The parent-child learning relationship is often key in such informal education, hence, the impact of parents' attitudes towards marine science on their children's study of marine science is worthy of investigation. The results of this study offer teaching suggestions for institutions of marine education. This study investigated the influence of parents' attitudes towards marine science on children's study of marine science through the use of a questionnaire survey, and provides suggestions for informal marine science education when planning exhibitions and events. Study results found that parents' attitude towards marine science had a strong influence on their children's study of marine science; parents' sense of responsibility towards sustainable ocean development was especially highly correlated with study of marine science. Implementation of marine science curriculum or activities for parent-children learning, developing activities or exhibitions about maintaining a sustainable ocean environment, and providing education material for parent-children learning at home may improve both parents' and their children's marine literacy.


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