  • 期刊


The Cycle of the Origin and the Levels of the Soul-the Dialogue between the Theology of Neo-Platonism and Loa-Tzu




宇宙生成 靈魂境界


This paper is an exercise in religious inculturation. The paper begins with an investigation of the cycle of the origin and the levels of the soul from the perspective first of the theology of Neo-Platonism and then Loa-Tzu. After the investigation of the origin and the levels of the soul, the paper continues with a dialogue between the theology of Neo-Platonism and Loa-Tzu. Dionysius, who was a scholar of the theology of Neo-Platonism, thought that the origin of the universe was from God. God is transcendent and one. God is the reason and source of all beings. God proceeds from God's oneness to every part of the universe and to the whole of the universe. The universe in becoming is based on a hierarchical development: from a high level to a low level. Loa-Tzu thought that the origin of the universe was from Tao. Tao is full of life and is dynamic. Tao does not depend upon others and exists by itself. Tao has a tendency to reveal and emanate from itself. The origin of the universe is out of Tao's flow of itself. The dialogue between the theology of Neo-Platonism and Loa-Tzu focuses on three aspects: the understanding of God, the logos and Tao, and the origin of the universe. This paper also explores the understanding of the levels of the soul in the theology of Neo-Platonism and Loa-Tzu. Dionysius conceived three levels of the soul: purification, illumination, and perfection. Loa-Tzu thought of the cultivation of Tao as a transcendental process. The paper continues with a dialogue between the theology of Neo-Platonism and Loa-Tzu which focuses on the levels of the soul.


