  • 期刊


An Analysis and Investigation for the Possibility of Immaterial Substance




笛卡兒 二元論 實體 靈魂 雙狹縫實驗


Descartes divided substances into two types - the material objects and the immaterial mind. However, even if the mind is not really immaterial, we can still ask whether immaterial substance exists and what the immaterial substance is? In order to avoid the situation that the concept "immaterial" equals to "non-existent", we have to give it a clear definition. In what situations can we declare that the immaterial substance exists? In this paper, it is suggested that once something that does not belong to and highly differ from the material we know today can be found, we can call it "immaterial substance". According to this definition and the double-slit experiment in quantum mechanics, it is proposed that we have good reasons to declare immaterial substance exists. In addition, this immaterial substance is clearly related to the mind, and it could be the "soul" that we are looking for.


Rene Descartes dualism substance soul double-slit experiment


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