  • 期刊


Hu Shi's Conception of Science Method -Taking Hu's Research on the Shuijing zhu as an Example




胡適 科學方法 水經注 戴震


For many years, Scholars criticized and corrected Hu Shi's conception of science method. They claimed that there are three problems in Hu's statement: First, the way Hu proved his conception is excessively single; Secondly, Hu put too much attention to external reasons of an issue; Third, Hu was unable to conceptualize a metaphysical and systemic scientific methodology. However, they discussed Hu' science method with Hu's statement only, yet ignored the notes Hu applied his conception to a real case, which is his study on Shuijing zhu. This article tried to figure out how Hu Shi study on a case that Dai Zhen was accused that he plagiarized Zhao Yi Qing's commentary on Shuijin zhu. Hu's application showed how he apply his conception of science method to a humanity research case by studying on commentary on Shuijin Zhu in 17-18 century and the organization of si ku guan (四庫館). In this way, we might be able to reconsider Hu Shi's Conception of Science Method.


任育德,《胡適晚年學思與行止研究》,新北,稻鄉出版,2018 年。
余英時,《中國近代思想史上的胡適》,臺北,聯經出版社,1984 年。
胡適著、季羨林主編,《胡適全集》,合肥,安徽教育出版社,2003 年。
胡適撰、耿雲志主編,《胡適遺稿及秘藏書信》,合肥,黃山書社,1994 年。
