  • 期刊


"Rhetoric" in the Perspective of Modern Transformation of Chinese Linguistic Thought Since 1920s




"Wen" (文)was one of the most important theoretical concepts within the literary and even political traditions of the East Asian Sinitic sphere before the modern era. Another term, "xiuci" (修辭), now translated as "rhetoric," was also a key critical concept within "wen". However, one of the outcomes of East Asian modernity is that these historical facts have fallen into oblivion. This author carefully tracks changes in linguistic thought in modern China and attempts to shed light on their linkage with the emergence of rhetoric as a modern discipline in China under the strong influence of the Western rhetoric via Meiji Japan. This author argues that the emergence of rhetoric as an imported discipline rests on both the May-Fourth generation's belief in an ideology of scientism and their royal acceptance of metaphysical views on language.


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