  • 期刊


Scope of the Study on the Dunhuang Popular Fu and the Significance of Popular Fu in Chinese Literary History




Twenty-eight of the literary works unearthed from the Dunhuang Grottoes are marked with fu in the original volumes, which include traditional aesthetic fu pieces and popular fu pieces. Though not named as fu, many Dunhuang manuscripts have popular fu's main characteristics such as being narrative, polemical, humorous and colloquial, and these can be certified by the pieces' features and disseminating ways. The discovery of Dunhuang popular fu poems prompts new reconsideration and recognition of some serious problems in the fact that the world of high culture and the world of popular culture coexist in Chinese fu literary history. It also proves that popular fu is closely related to working people, because at first it is created and spread by their chanting without singing, which is the same as other art forms. And all these art forms were transmitted among working people by word of mouth.


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