  • 期刊


Xiong Hanshu on Chun-Qiu




熊公哲 《春秋》 身通 通經致用 筆削


Prof. Xiong Gong Zhe devoted his whole life to education and traditional Chinese thoughts, especially Confucianism, and put much emphasis on the importance of practice. Even though Prof. Xiong had no published works especially focusing on Chun-Qiu, he discussed this subject in his works covering different aspects of Chun-Qiu and Three commentaries. He addressed propriety as the central thoughts of Chun-Qiu, practicing Confucianism as the aim of learning. He advocated that Confucius was more than a Confucian: "Confucius comprehensively inherited the cultures of Zhou dynasty and became a master of the ancient culture." Confucius tried to straighten the corruption in society by editing Chun-Qiu- therefore the spirit of Chun-Qiu is to make study serve the practical purpose. That is why Prof. Xiong used to say "knowledge depends on practicing and conducting oneself in life."


〔東周〕列禦寇 Lie Yukou 撰,楊伯峻 Yang Bojun 集釋:《列子集釋》Liezi jishi,北京 Beijing:中華書局 Zhonghua shuju,1985 年。
〔東周〕荀況 Xun Kuang 撰,〔清〕王先謙 Wang Xianqian 集解:《荀子集解》Xunzi jijie,臺北 Taipei:新興書局 Xinxing shuju,1955 年。
〔東周〕韓非 Han Fei 撰,陳奇猷 Chen Qiyou 校注:《韓非子集釋》Han Feizi jishi,臺北 Taipei:華正書局 Huazheng shuju,1975 年。
〔漢〕徐幹 Xu Gan:《中論》Zhong lun,收入〔清〕王謨 Wang Mo 輯:《漢魏叢書》Hanwei congshu 第 27 冊,上海 Shanghai:涵芬樓據明刻本影印,1925 年。
〔漢〕班固 Ban Gu 撰,〔唐〕顏師古 Yan Shigu 注,楊家駱 Yang Jialuo 主編:《新校本漢書并附編二種》Xinjiaoben hanshu bing fubian erzhong,臺北 Taipei:鼎文書局 Dingwen shuju,1995 年。

