  • 期刊


The Relationship Between Monk Jin's Sanctifying Achievements and Dunhuang "Monk on Pilgrimage"




金和尚 無漏 敦煌 神異 行腳僧


The study mainly focuses on the description of monk Wuxiang's mystic communion and observation of the sanctification and communication process of the foreign monk. There are dozens of Dunhuang manuscripts of The Record of the Dharma-Jewel Through the Generations (Lidai Fabao Ji) such as P.2125, S.516 and P.3717, in which description about Wuxiang, the Silla prince-turned-monk, also known as the monk Jin, includes mystic plots. Most of them are not mentioned in other scripts. Wuxiang's reputation was widespread after entering the Tang dynasty. Writings about Monk Jin can be found in the manuscripts from Changan to Shu, Tibet and even Nanzhao, including Testinony of Wa (Weixie), Testimony of Ba (Baxie) and The Wedding Banquet of the Wise Men (Xianzhe Xiyan), as well as the manuscripts of the Illustrated Story of Nanzhao (Nanzhao tuzhuan) collected by the Yurinkan Museum in Japan. Wuxiang was regarded as the Buddha in the 8th century. Wherever he went, residents hung up Buddhist banners, lit incense and chanted "Monk Wuxiang goes, Monk Wuxiang comes. Each Buddha proffers his hand, one after another." Moreover, there are twenty Monk on Pilgrimage (Xingjiaoseng tu) Dunhuang paintings, such as P.4029, P.4074. In the paintings, there is a monk carrying a traveling bag, holding a hossu in one hand and a cane in the other hand, and always accompanied with a tiger by his side and a Buddha above him. Most of the paintings are titled "Ratnaketu Shakyamuni Buddha" ("Baosheng Rulaifo"). I think the prototype of the monk should be the composite image of Wuxiang and Wulou, both Silla princes, and it had an impact on the Dharmatrāta statue of the Tibetan Eighteen Arhats in the 13^(th) century and after.


Monk Jin Wulou Dunhuang Mysticism Monk on Pilgrimage


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