  • 期刊


The Transformation and Significance of Taiwan Zhu-Zhi Ci in the Japanese Colonial Period




Taiwanese Zhu-zhi Ci (Bamboo Branch Lyrics) came from the Chinese tradition of "collecting folk songs," and had been an important topic of Taiwanese poetry since the Qing Dynasty. "New Zhu-zhi Ci" appeared in early the Japanese colonial period. The greatest difference between "Taiwan Zhu-zhi Ci" and "New Zhu-Zhi Ci" was the latter's tendency toward eroticism and bantering. The transformation in content and style from local customs and practices to eroticism and bantering, even to instruments of social intercourse, signified changes of Taiwanese Zhu-zhi Ci during the Japanese colonial period. From the perspective of the development of Taiwanese Zhu-zhi Ci, these changes did not appear to have significance. However, placed within the context of the development of the fragrant trousseau style, these changes served as concrete evidence of influence by the popular trend during the era. Up until 1930, we can still see Taiwan Zhu-Zhi Ci in popular magazines, such as San Liou Chiou Tabloid, Fong Yueh, and Fong Yueh Tabloid. At the time, Zhu-Zhi Ci was paired with erotic articles, making it more playful, even indelicate. The tradition of "collecting folk songs" seemed to have disappeared, but Taiwanese litterateurs still insisted on poems having implicit meanings, being playable but not neglecting resistance in Zhu-Zhi Ci. By that time, the playful, vulgar, entertaining and ironic characteristics of Taiwan Zhu-Zhi Ci all became the best illustration of poetry serving as testimony of modernity.


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〔唐〕柳宗元 Liu Zongyuan 著,尹占華 Yin Zhanhua、韓文奇 Han Wenqi 校注:《柳宗元集校注》Liu Zongyuan ji jiaozhu 第 10 冊,北京 Beijing:中華書局 Zhonghua shuju,2013 年。
〔唐〕劉禹錫 Liu Yuxi:《劉賓客文集》Liubinke wenji,臺北 Taipei:中華書局 Zhonghua shuju,1966 年。
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