  • 期刊


The Three Chapters of "Jian ai" in Mozi from a Rhetorical Perspective




墨子 墨家 修辭 十論 兼愛


From the rhetorical perspective of "possible persuasion methods," the article attempts to investigate the reasons why "jian ai" was divided into three chapters. Comparing these three chapters, we can see failed endeavors of rhetorical strategies: changing the meaning and part of speech of the word "jian" as the key term, exchanging and adjusting the opposition side's opinions, and relocating and settling unverified premises. In terms of rhetorical significance, however, these changes are consistent with the effort made for the validity of persuasion. This is sufficient to support the article's argument that the three chapters follow an irreversible rhetorical sequence of evolution of ideas, from the first chapter to the second chapter and finally to the third chapter. This does not mean that the construction of "jian ai" theory ends with the completion of the third chapter though. Solely relying on the theory of "jian ai" is not enough; it is necessary to expand it to other arguments and build a larger theoretical network ("Ten Core Chapters"), so that the individual arguments are able to support and validate one another. It is in this kind of situation where the proposition is uncertain but the orientation of arguments generally tends to be consistent, that we can take an overview of how ancient thinkers adjusted their persuasion methods. They did not develop arguments limited to a given topic but constantly enriched and deepened a proposition's meaning and nature in the process of contemplating the truth.


Mozi Mohist Rhetoric Ten Core Chapters Jian Ai


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