  • 期刊


Use of Biotechnologies to Improve Sow Productivity




Sow productivity is the key to a successful pig enterprise, and integration of modern biotechnologies into pig breeding programs is required in order to improve the pig herd productivity. These biotechnologies fall generally into two categories: reproductive technologies and molecular biotechnologies. Objectives of this paper were to present the important modern biotechnologies, which applied in swine breeding, and its effects on the improvement of sow productivity. Not all this biotechnologies is new. Artificial insemination was introduced in pigs in the late fifties, in which is the first reproductive technology, and had a major impact on rate of genetic improvement in economic traits of pigs. Nowadays, reproductive technologies such as estrus synchronization, synchronization of ovulation, super ovulation, embryo transfer, cryopreservation of oocytes and embryo, in vitro production, nuclear transfer, and sexing control have been used in animal breeding. Applying these technologies in nuclear herds reduces generation interval and increases selection intensity, for low habitability traits such as sow productivity, is therefore, can increase its rate of genetic improvement. Molecular biotechnologies on the other hand, includes gene mapping, genetic linkage map, physical map, quantitative trait loci, and marker assisted selection are already applied in animal breeding or are further developed. Combination of reproductive technologies and molecular biotechnologies to assist traditional selection methods is the strategy of modern pig breeding programs. More genetic information will be provided as the development of new technologies, and thus to increase the rate of genetic improvement of sow productivity.
