  • 期刊


Effects of H-FABP gene polymorphisms and gender on carcass and meat quality traits in pigs


心臟脂肪酸結合蛋白(H-FABP)基因被認為是可提高豬隻肌內脂肪(Intramuscular fat, IMF)含量的標誌基因。本研究以PCR-RFLP技術分析國內五個商用豬場2006-2007年217頭杜洛克與藍瑞斯雜交豬(Duroc x Landrace, DL; 閹公豬110頭、女豬107頭)H-FABP基因的Hinf I, Msp I及Hae III三個限制酶切位的分型,探討其多型性與性別對豬隻屠體及肉質性狀的影響。所有豬隻於體重109.6kg(SD=13.3)屠宰,採集耳朵樣本,萃取DNA、收集屠體性能資料,並取得背最長肌第9至最後肋骨部位進行肉質分析。試驗資料以SAS GLM程序分析,統計模式以性別、豬場-年分-季節及各限制酶分型為固定效應,並以屠體重為共變數。試驗豬隻HFABP基因頻率最高的基因型在Hinf I, Msp I及Hae III分別為HH(0.75)、Aa(0.65)與dd(0.62)。分析結果發現閹公豬三點背脂及平均背脂厚度與各部位的脂肪重皆顯著高於女豬(P<0.05);肉質性狀方面,腰脊肉的大理石紋評分(6分制)及感官品評(9分制)的風味評分,閹公豬(2.87與6.24)顯著高於女豬(2.35與6.04, P<0.05)。H-FABP基因中Hinf I基因座在肉色b*值表現有差異(HH>Hh, 11.29>10.79, P<0.10);Msp I基因座在第一肋背脂厚度(Aa>AA, 27.74>25.93 mm)及剪切力(AA>Aa, 7.12>6.27 kg)有顯著差異(P<0.05);Hae III基因座在屠體板油(Dd>dd, 0.68>0.57 kg)與後腿骨頭重(dd>Dd, 1.79>1.73 kg)差異顯著(P<0.05),H-FABP基因影響脂肪堆積,可能同時也影響了板油重,肉質性狀中主觀堅實度評分及感官品評的含汁性評分,DD(2.50與5.15)都顯著低於Dd和dd(3.11,3.26與5.97, 5.84, P<0.05),IMF以DD(2.12%)顯著高於Dd及dd(1.51及1.44%, P<0.05)。H-FABP三基因座多型性分別與屠體性狀(第一肋背脂、板油重及後腿骨骼重)及肉質性狀(剪切力、IMF及含汁性評分)有關(P<0.05),可供作為該性狀候選基因的參考。IMF含量為多基因遺傳性狀,H-FABP基因表現可能具有畜群與品種特異性,在運用H-FABP基因做為標誌基因輔助選拔前,宜先了解該基因在畜群中的特性,再擬定選拔策略。


H-FABP基因 性別 屠體性狀 肉質性狀


Heart fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) gene is the marker gene that relate to intramuscular fat (IMF) in pigs. The study was conducted in 2006-2007 aimed to detect the effects of H-FABP gene polymorphisms and gender on carcass and pork quality traits. A total of 217 Duroc and Landrace crossbred (DL) pigs (110 barrows and 107 gilts) were analyze the Hinf I, Msp I and Hae III restriction enzyme polymorphisms by PCR-RFLP. The DL pigs (109.6±13.30 kg) were slaughtered in a commercial slaughterhouse, and the carcass data and loin muscles (from 9th to the last rib) were collected for analysis. The statistical model included the fixed effects of sex, herd-year-season, and the restriction enzyme polymorphisms, and the slaughter weight was used as a covariable. The highest frequency of Hinf I, Msp I and Hae III genotype were HH (0.75), Aa (0.65) and dd (0.62), respectively. Carcasses of barrows showed higher backfat thickness and fat weight at various locations than those of gilts (P < 0.05). Loin of marbling score (6 points) and flavor score of sensory evaluation (9 points) were 2.84 and 6.24 vs. 2.35 and 6.04, for barrows and gilts, respectively (P < 0.05). H-FABP showed significant effect on carcass and pork quality. At Hinf I locus, the Hunter b value of loin muscles was higher in HH than Hh genotype (11.29 vs. 10.79, P < 0.10). At Msp I locus, differences were found for 1st rib backfat (Aa > AA, 27.74 > 25.93 mm, P < 0.05) and shear force (AA > Aa, 7.12 > 6.27 kg, P < 0.05). At Hae III locus, carcass traits of leaf fat (Dd > dd, 0.68> 0.57 kg) and weight of ham bone (dd > Dd, 1.79 > 1.73 kg); meat quality of firmness (dd, Dd > DD, 3.26, 3.11 > 2.50). and sensory evaluation of juiciness score (Dd, dd > DD, 5.97, 5.84 > 5.15) are significant different among genotypes (P < 0.05). IMF of DD (2.12%) was significant higher than those of Dd and dd genotypes (1.51 and 1.44%, P < 0.05). Results of this study demonstrate that the H-FABP effect on carcass and meat quality traits. The different genetic backgrounds might explain the different results for IMF in H-FABP gene, and the information can be used to develop different breeding strategies for different breeding objectives of pork markets.


H-FABP sex carcass trait pork quality trait pig
