  • 期刊


Pluralism, Tolerance and Moral Learning: Constitution as Civic Education


本文旨在論述多元與寬容乃是現代民主社會所必須付出之代價,而此種心態之養成絕非先天可得,實有賴於道德學習。易為人所疏忽的是,現代民主國家的憲法本身很可能即是有助公民道德學習的良好機制;如果國家可被看成是一個公民教育機構,則憲法不啻為公民教育之內涵。它的主要目的在於「教化」(Bildung),培養公民的道德「共通感」(Gemeinsinn)。 全文分五節,第一節為「憲法概念之演變」;第二節為「多元文化生活中之民主-寬容:自由之必要代價」;第三節為「國家作為教育機構,憲法作為群育教育機制」;第四節為「教化與共通感」;第五節為「憲法美學與人性尊嚴」。 本文之基本立場為:道德共通感乃為接納異己、包容與諧同社會之基礎,它可透過學習與訓練而養成。憲法固為國家組成最高之綱領與最大之資源分配原則,故在吾人面對憲法之心態上若有所擴充更張,則其將更能溶入吾人生活,而吾人之生活亦更能具現當初憲法所懷抱之理想。


憲法 憲法美學 教化 共通感 包容 道德學習


This is an attempt at exploring the possibilities of constructing a set of theoretical rhetoric about a particular face of democratic constitutions-the constitutional aesthetics, of which some basic propositions are laid down and several issues brought forth from a perspective of social-moral philosophy rather than that of jurisprudence. Some German ideas such as Bildung, Gemeinsinn, and Urteilskraft are employed in order to highlight the need to strengthen moral learning in democratic societies. And the presumption behind this passage is that the state can be seen as an educational institution and thus its constitution as a handy mechanism for moral training. The state, however, shall not prescribe specific contents of the social morality-this is left to the society as it naturally evolves into a pluralistic one; and the constitution serves both as a sponsor and a mediator for political socialization programs through which a more responsible and accommodating citizenry of multicultural society could more effectively take shape. Democratic constitutions work best when the majority of people are able to appreciate and perpetuate the beauty of heterogeneous but concord societies within a single body politic.


constitution Bildung Urteiskraft Gemeinsinn multiculturalism


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