  • 期刊

權利條款*入憲的爭議:梅迪遜(James Madison)、聯邦派與反聯邦派

Constitutional Disputes on the Inclusion of Bill of Rights: James Madison, Federalists and Anti-Federalists




The Bill of Rights is the first amendments approved after the establishing of the American Constitution. Facilitating to the development of American constitutionalism, a moment of significance are on a par with those of the British Magna Carta and Bill of Rights. Yet the Process of transforming the ideas of the Bill of Rights into the realization of the Amendments is complex and intricating so the first intended purpose of this essay is to analyze and clarify the relating controversies with respect to the Amendments, setting the discussions in historical context. Secondly, I would try to explore and explain why James Madison made a U-turn from being an opponent to the Rights Clause and became the champion for the Bill of Rights after the Constitution was approved. Then I would proceed to explicate how James Madison, being a political leader, tried successfully to annex the Bill of Rights to the Constitution and hence avoid the crisis of Second Convention through the political art of compromise and concession, persuasion and communication. Lastly I attempt to make a tentative to promoting and strengthening the legitimacy and coherency of the American constitutionalism with his wisdom and perseverance.


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