  • 期刊


"Priority for Nation" or "Sharing among the Whole World"? A Reflective Review on the Dispute between the "Nation-Priority- Doctrine" and "Cosmopolitanism"




The adherents of the "priority for the nation" doctrine and the cosmopolitans have been engaged in a series of disputes concerning the issue of "global distributive justice" for around four decades. This debate is similar to that between liberalism and communitarianism in political ethics. This paper tries to describe how both fronts - in the process of debate - have deepened their own argumentation so that we finally can grasp the key points of this issue and judge which front can better solve crucial problems. Although the adherents of the "priority for the nation" doctrine can thwart the claims to global redistribution of wealth held by the cosmopolitans by means of the argumentative skill of the burden of proof, they are still obliged to remove the injustices existing in the current economic order of the world. Furthermore, if we really want to solve the problem of the poverty existing in the world in an effective way, we inevitably must deal with the issue of adjusting the culture, customs and political institutions of the permanently poor countries. But this engagement involves the issue of intervention in internal affairs. This will become a challenge that human beings must strive to overcome.


陳嘉銘,2010。〈全球「制度體系」的神話:消極義務、基本結構與全球正義〉,《政治與社會哲學評論》,35期,頁 1-51。
Beitz, Charles R. 1979. Political Theory and International Relations. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Bell, Daniel. 1993. Communitarianism and its Critics. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
