  • 期刊


"RIP, 426": Analyzing "National Experiences" of the Degree-Pursuing Mainland Students in Taiwan




In 2011, the Taiwanese government launched a new policy to open opportunities for students from mainland China (also known as "lusheng") to pursue higher education degrees in Taiwan. Many high officials and supporters optimistically expected that such a policy would advance mutual understandings between the younger generations across the Strait; some may even have thought that this policy would foster "Taiwan-friendly circles" that, in turn, would contribute to peace-building by reducing tensions across the Strait. Using data collected from in-depth interviews and participatory observations, this paper investigates mainland students' experiences regarding the "national question" through three levels: institutions, cognitive frames, and structures of feeling. It is found that "national experiences" of mainland students generate both "pushes" and "pulls" that further differentiate three types of students. Among them, two types of students have become more hostile to Taiwan and more supportive to the communist regime in China. Such a result seems to contradict the initial policy expectation. In conclusion, we explore the implications from this analysis for future reconciliation between the two sides across the Strait.


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