  • 期刊


Historical Writing: A Second-Order Observation




This article uses the social systems theory by Niklas Luhmann to investigate the forms of historical writing. "History" is the unification of the distinction of "history and past". With the help of historical data, historians can divide the past into two parts: recorded and unrecorded. Historical data also plays the role of the medium to activate historical communications. Through historical communication with historical data, historians create work. Moreover, because of the modern consciousness of time, historical works transform themselves into historical data via the re-entry of time. As a result, society can observe its past constantly. The conduct of historical writing generates a system of historical communication. The structures of this system are the so-called historical methods, which guide the procedure to write a history as text. The correlation of the historical events guarantees the identity of the text; thus, a historical narrative can keep its continuity with the structures on the one hand and show the changes and discontinuity with events on the other hand. Eventually, the historian can decide the chronological period when a historical narrative starts and stops.


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