  • 期刊


Caught between Globalization and the Female Role: The Dilemma of Women in Taiwan


本文嘗試分析比較相關統計資料,以呈現我國女性權利現況。在參政上,就國際比較而言,我國女性處境不差,而且有逐年明顯提升之趨勢;晚近各級政府採行之「參與式民主」模式決策及執行機制,可望有助於女性對於政策與制度之影響。 在教育上,除了最高等教育(碩士及博士層級)之外,女性跟男性享受的教育機會大抵相等,但是,國家高等教育及研究資源的投注卻偏重男性偏好的科系,以致有較高比例的女性就讀昂貴的私立大專院校。高等教育及研究的前述偏重,以及兩性的教育區隔現象,都有待改善。 在福利和就業上,由於政府決策及施政長期偏重男性價值之影響,普及照顧福利體系始終無法建立,以致女性難以兼顧家庭和工作,就業率偏低,弱勢女性及其子女失去脫貧的機會。此外,全球化產業導致工作零碎化、派遣化,貧富差距持續拉大,對基層女性勞工(尤其是單親)相當不利。 在身心健康、人身安全及資訊文化上,在偏重競爭、侵略、將客體視為工具之男性價值主導之下,女性處於高度異化的世界,身體被客體化、單方負擔照顧勞務、承受暴力威脅,以致形成比例相當高的相關身心疾病,並飽受暴力犯罪傷害,使女性「免於恐懼」之基本人權受嚴重侵奪。 在新世紀,有相當比例的女性發現自己處於全球化浪潮及女性角色的交集中,進退艱辛。


This paper attempts to evaluate women's rights in Taiwan by comparing and analyzing statistical data. It is found that in politics, the representation of women, though not bad by international comparison, is still far from equal. But in recent years in local governments as well as the central government, the emergence of democratic corporatism lead the bureaucracy to open up to direct non-governmental influences, including the influence of women. The Women's Rights Committee chaired by the Premier, and numerous other committees, will hopefully help incorporate women's needs and perspectives in policy making and implementation. In education, except at the highest level, women enjoy approximately the same amount of opportunities as men do. But, closer analysis discloses that public universities and colleges invest more on subjects that are more congenial with male students. In consequence, more female students than male ones go to expensive private universities and colleges. In social welfare and employment, as a consequence of the dearth of welfare services and the extraordinarily expensive caring services, women's rate of labor market participation is chronically low. In addition, the global trend of indirect employment proves drastically detrimental to women workers of the lower classes, especially the single mothers. The aspect that shows the harshest deprivation of women's rights is that of women's personal safety. In 2001, among the 15,681 victims of criminal acts of violence, 69.27% (10,862 persons) are women. The victimization of women is, to a great degree, due to the propaganda and implementation of the male values of aggression, competition, and the objectification of women's body at the cost of the female values of caring and sharing. The way out of the dilemma, basically, lies in the equal representation of women in policy making and implementation. Thus the paper returns to its beginning.


