  • 期刊


Using Information Technology to Reinvent Government: A Case Study of Taipei City Government Online Services Program


政府線上服務的推行可以視為是推行「政府再造」政策中一項以公民(顧客)為導向之政府服務型態的創新,其運用資訊科技之即時、記憶以及超越空間距離的特性,改造了傳統政府提供民眾服務的方式。然而,這樣的改造需要透過決策者縝密的規劃以及運用適當的執行策略與方法,才能成功。作者認為,運用資訊科技推行政府再造,首先需要了解行政組織究竟需要什麼樣的改變以及資訊科技對行政組織究竟造成什麼樣的影響,再選擇適當的措施。其次,在確定執行目標,正式將資訊科技導入組織前,必須先確立完整的政策藍圖與未來執行的策略及方法。在執行上需要採用漸進革新的方法,將正確的資訊科技導入行政革新工作,僅能加速組織漸進革新的過程,卻無法帶來行政組織立即的轉變。分析政府線上服務,其重要的推行關鍵包含有下列六項: 一、清晰的政策藍圖。 二、漸進的執行策略與執行方法改造流程。 三、適當地監督機制。 四、適當的服務項目。 五、適當的行政領導。 六、好的合作伙伴。 臺北市政府自網路新都政策,確定以推行政府線上服務,做為再造政府便民服務的目標以來,累計近三年計畫執行,已提供774件申請案件資訊完整上網、127項案件的書證謄本可以減免或由機關問資料庫的互通取得、120項可線上申請案件以及580項表格以單一規格上網供民眾下載。分析此一計畫能初步獲得成功的關鍵在於,策略與執行方法得宜、合適資訊環境與員工資訊素養、各機關間的合作、領導者的支持以及民間廠商的協助等。臺北市政府的經驗,相當程度地呼應了本文評析運用資訊科技,再造政府時所提出的理論看法,透過本文的分析與描述,希望這樣的經驗,能對其他有意或正在推行線上服務的政府有一些實質的幫助或概念的啟發。


Providing government online services can be considered as a kind of citizen-oriented government reform. Information-technology based government online services affect traditional administrative information flow, coordination, and the nature of administrative work by altering the working relationship between information and the physical factors of distance, time, and memory. These properties of online services allow government to change the way of providing services to citizens. However, the success of government online service program depends on well thought-out plans and appropriate strategies and implementation by decision makers. In this article, we assert that using online services to reinvent government requires two decision-making steps. First, decision makers need to know what kind of changes to the administrative process should be made and what kind of information technology should be used in order to meet their reform objectives. Second, before formally introducing the new information technology to the organization, decision makers should already have in place complete policies, strategies and implementation plans. Having analyzed Taipei City Government experiences, we have identified six key factors that led to the successful implementation of online services: 1. A clear blueprint. 2. Using incremental strategies and implementation stages to change administrative processes. 3. Using appropriate performance measurements as controls. 4. Choosing appropriate services. 5. Good leadership. 6. Good partnership between public and private sectors. The aim of this article is to share some of our concepts and observations with those governments who are planning to provide online services.


陳淑銘(2013)。公文線上簽核系統使用之滿意度研究 -以經濟部為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2013.00550
