  • 期刊


Strategic Analysis on the Implementation of Global Logistic Center in Taiwan



在地球村效應下,以「全球運籌管理」作為經營模式,已經由國際級企業所廣泛運用,全世界目前已出現超過六百個自由港或自由貿易區。從歐美國家到鄰近的新加坡、香港,都藉此提供商業貿易、工業加工、科技開發及物流等綜合性服務,我國廠商在國外發展時,也深深感受到各地自由港的好處,深刻了解它為企業經營所帶來的加分效果。 放眼全球高科技產業,台灣具有最完整的供應鏈,佈局全球的科技廠商因此殷切期盼自由貿易港區的設置。 面對這樣一個全球性的趨勢,地理位置良好的台灣,先天條件上就適合發展為自由貿易港區。所以行政院院會自二○○二年初就指示經建會積極籌劃自由貿易港區,作為開啟台灣全面「貿易自由化」新局面的試點。希望透過簡化轉運及貨物加值等程序,尤其是相關法規的重新檢視,好讓台商及國際跨國公司,樂於將台灣作為其全球運籌的重要基地。


As the ”global village” effect has taken hold, international corporations have begun to deploy widely the ”global logistics” model of operations. The world now has more than 600 free ports and free trade zones (FTZ). Governments in Europe and the Americas, as well as in nearby Singapore and Hong Kong, are using free ports as a means of offering commercial trade, industrial processing, technology development and logistical services all in one place. As Taiwanese firms have expanded overseas, they have been greatly impressed by the benefits that free ports offer and have developed a deep understanding of how advantageous such ports are to corporate operations. Taiwan has the most comprehensive supply chain in the global high-tech industry, which is why enterprises around the world are so looking forward to the establishment of free ports. In this globalizing environment, Taiwan's geographic position makes it an ideal location for free ports. Recognizing this, early in 2002 the Executive Yuan ordered the CEPD to begin actively planning free ports, which could be used to test the feasibility of the complete liberalization of trade in Taiwan. We hope that by simplifying procedures for the transshipment and processing of goods, in particular by reexamining related regulations, we can get Taiwanese firms and multinational corporations excited about using Taiwan as a base for their global logistical operations.


