  • 期刊


New Poverty and Social Welfare Policy-Science vs. Value and the Élite vs. the Proletariat


有人類社會,就有物質的缺乏問題,但貧窮問題則是近代資本主義制度下的產物;不過,由於歐洲福利國家的發展,貧窮問題便成為央格魯薩克遜國家,特別是美國的專利。然無論是貧窮的概念,貧窮問題的認知,貧窮的衡量,乃至貧窮的肇因、貧窮問題的因應對策等,均深受意識形態或理論典範的影響,而有歧異。因此,探討貧窮問題,除了必須掌握基本政經體制的轉變外,對形成意識形態之歷史傳統和價值體系,亦不能忽略。 從1970年代末開始,由於全球化金融與智慧資本主義的發展,除了改變經濟產業和勞動市場結構,製造大量的長期失業和就業的不安定外,亦導致家庭制度的裂解,社會聯繫的崩裂,新貧問題,已成為二十一世紀的社會黑死病;不只是央格魯薩克遜國家的底層階級,拉丁美洲的邊緣化,充分呈現新貧問題迥異於舊貧外,向來不承認存在貧窮問題的歐泌福利國家,至1990年代,亦隨著資本主義知識經濟的全球化發展,以及歐洲經濟體的整合,而普遍意識到社會排除問題的嚴重性。不過,就如同舊貧,由於意識形態或理論典範的不同,對社會排除之屬陸,乃至問題和其成因的詮釋與解讀,均仍存在相當大的爭議。 我國自1980年代末解嚴,2000年首度政黨輪替,亦趕上全球政治民主化潮流;同時,2000年代初加入WTO,經濟的全球化與知識經濟之發展,較諸工業歐美,也不遑多讓。因此,近年來的長期失業以及就業的不安定,並非只是景氣循環問題,而是新貧問題;惟朝野各界,囿於新右派之意識形態,似乎仍侷限於傳統經濟理論典範之思維,故如不從方法論觀點,重新加以檢視,其所研議之政策,不僅未能對症下藥,反而導致飲鴆止渴的後果。


Problems in connection with the scarcity of resources have long existed in the history of human development. But, the emergency of poverty is regarded a side-product of Modern Capitalism. As the establishment of welfare states in Continental Europe, poverty seems to be a problem distinctively remaining in Anglo-Saxon countries, especially in the United States. Nevertheless, the concept and measurement of poverty as well as the explanations and solutions to it are profoundly influenced by ideologies and theoretical paradigms, which result in different interpretations. Hence, it is important to focus not only on the transformation of socio-economic environments but also on the traditions of ideologies and values, while exploring poverty problems. Since the end of the 1970s, the development of financial globalization and knowledge-based economy has significantly reshaped the industrial structure and the labor market. As a consequence of that, several social problems have come out, such as employment insecurity, long-term unemployment, the disorganization of the family system, and the collapse of social solidarity. The problems of new poverty have become the social plague in the 21st century, and spread across Anglo-Saxon nations, Latin American countries and even European welfare states. As the continuing development of economic globalization and the integration of European Economies in the 1990s, problems concerning social exclusion have been aware and need to be tackled. Nevertheless, the interpretation of the causes and features of social exclusion remains controversial due to the variation of ideologies and values applied to explain it. Following the lifting of the Martial Law in the 1980s and the replacement of the ruling party in 2000, Taiwan has transformed into a democratic country. With its participation in the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2002, Taiwan has also been involved in the development of economic globalization and knowledge-based economy, like its counterparts in Europe and America. Therefore, the situations of employment insecurity and long-term unemployment might not just be temporary phenomena of economic cycle but constant features of new poverty. However, under the dominant ideology of New Right, the government and the opposition parties still consider these problems in terms of traditional economic theories. In order to effectively deal with the problems of new poverty, it is suggested to begin with a shift of methodological viewpoints and then development of practical policies.


簡月翠(2012)。我國政府推動以工代賑方案之研究 —以臺北市政府為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2012.00805
