  • 期刊


The Denotation of Knowledge-Based Government


由於知識經濟時代來臨以及網絡社會之崛起,使得當前政府外部環境丕變,大致呈現四個特質:政府不具完全掌握資源的能力、政府尚未享受資訊科技所帶來的便利性,卻先面對更多的問題、資訊科技發展成為國家發展的重點計畫、政府掌握知識的能力愈強,愈能強化發展的機會。 就當前整體潮流與趨勢觀之,建構知識型政府是最可能強化政策運作、改善政府施政能力的關鍵,同時並可調整政府體質,提升政府的競爭力。知識型政府的意涵範疇甚廣,而其特質大致可歸納為學習型組織、知識管理及研發創新等三項。 未來透過知識核心政府型態的建構,如:知識團隊之形成、知識平台之建構、政府業務執行模式的調整,傳統以層級節制為運作基礎的政府型態被知識平台取代,政府運作將逐漸突破部會疆界的限制,以建構有利知識流通、轉換、創造與整合之組織型態。


In the era of knowledge economy and networked society, the new social surroundings have dramatically changed government's functions in the following phases: (1) The government does not have full command of all resources; (2) The government has yet to benefit from the conveniences resulted from the progress of information technology while it is faced with more challenging issues; (3) Programs for developing information technology have become one of a nation's top priorities; and (4) The more efficient the government in acquiring and utilizing knowledge, the more likely it will succeed in improving itself. From the perspective of the overall current trend of governance, the key to enhance policy making and implementation and to improve government's efficacy should be the establishment of a knowledge-based government, which will reengineer government's organization and functions and upgrade its competitiveness. The denotation of knowledge-based government is broad and generally contains the following features: (1) government as a learning organization, (2) government that is run by knowledge management, and (3) government that emphasizes research, development, and innovation. The establishment of knowledge-based government is to be carried out through forming knowledge teamwork and knowledge platform and restructuring the government business execution mechanism. With such establishment, the traditional hierarchical government structure will be replaced by knowledge platform and the government will be enabled to function more efficiently and effectively without being confined by its organization. Eventually, the government will turn into an organization that favors knowledge circulation, knowledge transition, knowledge creation, and knowledge integration.



