  • 期刊


A Comparison of Industrial Technology Policy Formulation and Competitiveness between Taiwan and South Korea


在1980至1990年代之間,南韓極力希望由投資驅動的經濟型態轉型至創新驅動的經濟型態,其後歷經1997年金融風暴影響,南韓產業政策採取「選擇與集中」策略,建立產業科技發展重點領域,以及對於基礎研究和人才培養等強化支持措施;2001年,台灣經歷過罕見的經濟負成長,面對全球化趨勢與中國大陸的崛起情勢之下,台灣也像世界各國一樣,以積極推展科技研發活動帶動經濟發展為主要目標,而這也是現階段台灣必須推動國家創新系統再造,鼓勵研發創新和產學研互動等措施,以推動台灣朝向創新突破發展的契機。 本研究係以台灣與南韓產業科技競爭力為比較基礎,分析探討兩國產業科技表現在IMD與WEF等競爭力指標之情形,並經由產業科技政策的投入與產出資料之蒐集與分析,研究兩國政府在產業科技政策競爭力提升過程中所扮演的角色,期能在資料蒐集分析的同時,能夠將南韓的政策作法提供台灣邁向創新發展之借鏡與參考。


When South Korea confronted the critical periods in the late 1980s through the early 1990s, they struggled to reform their economy from the Investment-Driven economy to the Innovation-Driven economy. South Korea has grown into a sound, transparent sector through a series of stringent restructuring measures in the aftermath of the 1997 financial crisis. They choose the ”Choice” and ”Focus” strategy to implement the national industrial technology policy. In Taiwan, we face the great challenge of GDP growth rate in 2001. Confronted by the challenges of the globalization trends and the wake-up of China, nations around the world are recognizing the importance and urgency of promoting science and technology, and Taiwan is no exception. That is why now is the time to establish the innovative growth engines for Taiwan such as the National Innovation Systems. Such system will encourage the new and innovative talents, academic and industrial institutes to innovate Taiwan's economy. This study compares the competitiveness of industrial technology in Taiwan and South Korea, especially from IMD and WEF index. Then use the industrial technology input and output index to analyze the policy roles in South Korea and Taiwan, and concludes with suggestions on the direction of Taiwan's industrial technology policy.


陳政宏(2005)。建置台灣電子零組件業環境會計帳之 可行性研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200500271
