  • 期刊


Political Participation of the Two Sexes and Future Expectations


本研究除了訪問第五屆女性立委的參政歷程,分析參政類型之外,亦同時分析了第二屆到第五屆台灣兩性立委參政的背景分析,包括隸屬政黨、首次參選年齡、教育程度、社會階級、公職經驗、社團參與的經驗、省籍。研究發現,從第二屆到第五屆,這些背景因素皆有明顯具體變化,台灣兩性參政在年齡上漸趨年輕與年長兩極化變化,然多數仍以繼承家族資源與學運/依附政黨為主要手段,獨立型參政仍呈少數可能。另,眷村型代表隨著政治與社會變化將走向歷史,新的參政類型正在社區參與中發酵。 兩性政治參與/社會參與是測量社會公民權行使歷程的重要指標。整體而言,台灣女性參政在量的表現不輸西方國家,甚至有超越之跡象,婦女保障名額發揮實質功效,卻未必是社會公民的自發參與所致,尤其深究女性參政的動機,多數為情境式參與,女性甚少承認參政自主性的決定意識。


The political participation is one of important indications to measure the process of participation of the citizenship. Taiwan has the highest percentage of women political participation (22.2%) in parliament in Asia. This research aims to find that those indications symbolize a real fact or simply an illusion? What is the type that these women participate in the politics and what's their process in political socialization? In this research we find five different types, ”familial”, ”linkage with her husband”, ”decision by political machine”, ”participation spontaneity”, et ”Chüan-Tsun-village of garrison”. These types present the process of political participation of Taiwanese women. Although Taiwanese women have an excellent note in politics, but they are still conservative when they are in the conflicts between political norm and gender norm in Legislative Yuan. At the same time, they cooperate frequently with the women organizations to reform the article of law for ameliorating the situation of women. Those female legislators who consider problems as the body security of women, the work of women, the inequity of the civil code, and the problems of marriage with the foreign women are the urgent issues for resolution of the Taiwanese women in the actual society.


