  • 期刊


Patella Cartilage Thickness of Osteoarthritis-MR Evaluation


本實驗的主要目的乃在找出合適的磁振造影脈衝波序做為量測髕骨關節軟骨的厚度,並分析國人在不同的年齡層及性別的條件下其髕骨關節軟骨厚度的分佈情形。經實驗結果為質子密度加權脈衝波序和併抑脂脈衝波序這個組合,能夠有效地將髕股骨關節軟骨的範圍呈現出來,因此我們採用此脈衝波序組合來量測軟骨的厚度。在分析量測的數據資料後,顯示出女性其關節軟骨的厚度(2.68±0.13 mm)比男性(3.21±0.12 mm)要薄,而所有的受試者中,髕骨關節軟骨厚度小於健康成人平均值者,男性約9%~27%、女性有22%~53%,這些人是有罹患退化性關節炎風險的。值得注意的是這些受試者在膝關節X光攝影中皆未被發現有退化性關節炎的現象,顯示磁振造影髕骨關節軟骨掃描相較於傳統的X光檢查法,在評估退化性關節炎方面確實能有較佳的成效。


The goal of the study is to find a right MRI pulse sequence which is used to determine the patellar cartilage thickness and to analyze the thickness distribution of patients with different ages and genders in Taiwan. We used a combination of both proton density weighted pulse sequence and fat suppression pulse sequence to measure the thickness. Our results indicated the combination can show the boundary of the patellar cartilage very precisely. After intensive data analysis, we found that the patellar cartilage thickness of females (2.68±0.13 mm) are thinner than those of males (3.21±0.12 mm). The thickness of 9% to 27% of male patients and 22% to 53% of female patients were smaller than the mean value of all healthy ones. To be highlight, no osteoarthritis was found among these patients after plain X-ray photographing. It concludes MRI for patellar cartilage is a better method for osteoarthritis assessment in comparison with the traditional X-ray examination.


MRI proton density weighted osteoarthritis
