  • 期刊


The Application of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in the Acoustic Area


擴散張量成像技術(Diffusion Tensor Imaging, DTI)是平面回音序列(Echo Planar pulse sequence)新增加的一種波序;臨床上一般運用在中樞神經系統上,對白質纖維束(white matter fiber tracts)的評估是有相當助益的。進行此研究的目的,主要是應用擴散張量成像技術,針對健康的受試者、臨床診斷有聽覺異常症狀的疑似患者,在原發聽覺區(primary auditory cortex area)的海希耳氏回(Heschl gyrus, HG)及上顯橫回(superior temporal gyrus, STG),對腦部白質纖維進行研究及分析。結果可解釋原發聽覺皮質區的白質纖維束,且對照組的患者雖具有聽覺異常的臨床症狀,但分析結果顯示並不致大幅影響HG及STG的白質。而5位罹患小腦橋腦腳腫瘤的患者,我們發現其原發聽覺皮質區的HG及STG FA map平均值雖略低,但DTI訊號並未明顯下降。研究結果顯示正常受試者兩側HG、STG不等向性因子(Fractional Anisotropy, FA)值,或可做為國人在從事DTI相關研究時,於聽覺區白質纖維束正常值的參考數據。希望未來透過不等向性因子圖(FA map)的測定,可以使顱內病變早期發現,並了解傳導路徑的受損程度;同時可在手術前辨識局部白質纖維束的位移方式和程度,相信將有助於手術中對纖維束的保護。


The application of Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) to the visualization of white matter fiber tracts is relatively new in clinical practice. It is used to visualize the white matter fiber tracts in the central nervous system (CNS). We conducted the current study, recruited patients (healthy subjects, clinical-diagnosed acoustic lesion) and used DTI to evaluate relationship of the white matter in the acoustic areas, including Heschl gyms (HG) and Superior Temporal gyms (STG). The findings of this study could be well explained by our general understanding that white matter fibers of the primary auditory cortex. The average FA map was not significantly altered in hearing disorders. The 5 tumor lesions in the C-P A cistern were found to slightly reduce the average FA of HG and STG. The DTI did not show obvious signal loss. Bilateral HG and STG FA maps were subsequently derived from the DTI images. The findings could serve as a basis for future DTI research in the acoustic areas. We concluded that FA map is a useful method in early defined intra-cranial lesion and obvious endured suffering of transmission pathway.
