  • 期刊


The Application of Talcum Powder in the Patients with Multiple Fractures


就急診X光而言,最棘手的問題莫過於病人身上有多處骨折,而且病人無法自行移動到X光檢查台上。有些醫院會使用特製且價格昂貴的搬運板來協助搬運病人。缺點是病人必須半側身,易造成二次隱藏的傷害,以及需要第三者的協助才能完成。有鑑於此,本實驗乃將滑石粉運用於直接式的搬運,配合醫院內隨處可見的床墊來協助搬運病人。只要能克服床墊與病床和床墊與檢查台之間的摩擦力的問題,輕柔舒適的搬運法對骨折病人而言,提供了較好的選擇。爽身粉的主要成份為滑石粉,均勻塗抹於物體表面上可避免摩擦。若運用得宜,可有效降低床墊的摩擦係數,進而減少摩擦力。再加上均勻塗抹的爽身粉在X光片的成像上並不會出現假影(以手部的攝影條件:55kVp 160mA 50ms來作照攝試驗),此搬運方法將是值得推廣並運用於急診骨折外傷病人。


In emergent X-ray room, the most challenging problem is the moving of the patients with multiple fractures from bed to the X-ray table. Some special designed moving board is used for this purpose in some other hospitals. Patient has to tilt or need extra personal to complete the moving with this kind of board. The price is also expansive. Generally, the mattress is also used as a moving facility to move the patients but the friction coefficient is high in between mattress and X-ray table or bed. Talcum powder can reduce the friction coefficient and can be used to reduce the friction with apply in between mattress and the table. Smooth homogenously apply the talcum powder on the table will not cause X-ray film artifact (55kVp 160ms 50ms). The edge or the folds of 1the mattress could cause some artifact on the X-ray images.


friction coefficient talcum powder
