  • 期刊


Evaluation the Staging of Rectal Cancer with Multi-detector Computed Tomography


直腸大腸癌病人常有腹部疼痛、少量且間歇性血便、排便習慣改變,事實上許多癌症初期並無明顯症狀或者被視爲一般如感冒胃腸消化系統不舒服等症狀而忽略之;若是臨床上出現體重減輕、虛弱、發燒或各種轉移現象時,往往已是晚期症狀。大腸直腸癌在台灣是一種發生率很高的癌症,至目前爲止,仍以早期發現早期治療爲主要的目標,本研究用多排偵測器電腦斷層(Multi-Detector Computer Tomography; MDCT)來評估早期直腸癌之分期,就是要提高多切面電腦斷層攝影對大腸癌分期的診斷率,研究時間爲期一年,連續不中斷共收集54位未做任何治療的大腸癌病患,並利用多排偵測器電腦斷層的掃描檢查後,發現有23位是原發性直腸癌病患,再利用多切面影像重組(Multi-planar Reconstructions; MPR)功能,加做軸狀(axial)、冠狀(coronal)、矢狀(sagittal)切面,來評估直腸癌腫瘤大小、腸壁受侵犯的程度及是否侵犯外面的器官,其檢查結果,再與病理解剖化驗報告,相互比對。結果發現兩者相似度極高,準確率達91.3%,由此結果可以得到直腸癌病患,如利用多層面電腦斷層掃描並搭配使用多切面重組的功能,就能提高對直腸癌分期的準確度。


A victim of colorectal cancer usually complains abdominal pain and intermittent bloody stool, and bowel habits change. In fact, there is ambiguous symptom or non-specific gastrointestinal discomfort during the early stage of some cancer. However, patients in late stage of cancer get body weight loss, weakness, fever and some symptoms relate to metastasis. The incidence of colorectal cancer in Taiwan is high. In this study, we evaluated the staging of colorectal cancer with multi-detector computed tomography. The purpose of this study is to improve the diagnosis rate of colorectal cancer with multi-detector computed tomography. The study time is one year. We collected 54 newly diagnosed patients with colorectal cancer. After scanning with multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT), we found 23 patients with primary rectal cancer. We also performed multi-planar reconstructions (including axial, coronal, and sagittal sections) to evaluate tumor size, depth of bowel wall destruction and peripheral organs invasion. We concluded that using multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) and multi-planar reconstruction images got better correct diagnosis rate of colorectal staging.
