  • 期刊


Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density in Vegetarians by Using Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry


本研究主要評估素食飲食者的骨質密度。全部受檢者為363位,年齡介於20-80歲(平均年齡56.8±8.4歲),其中271位為非素食飲食,92位為素食飲食(全素28人、奶蛋素53人、奶素11人)。素食飲食持續時間若超過15年以上則定義為長期素食飲食者,本次研究長期素食飲食者人數為48人,非長期素食飲食者44人。全部受檢者均接受雙能量X光骨質密度吸收測量儀(dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, DXA)測量腰椎(L1-L4)及兩側股骨頸(femoral neck)的骨質密度。其結果顯示全素食飲食者與非素食飲食者在腰椎骨質密度和骨礦物含量有明顯的偏低(P<0.05);然而在兩側股骨頸骨質密度差異不大(左側P=0.05;右側P=0.04)。對於吃素持續時間的影響,無論是否長期吃素對於骨質密度及骨礦物含量並無明顯不同(P>0.05),但吃素持續時間與骨礦物含量呈負相關的關係,尤其在腰椎骨質密度較具顯著。而素食型態比較因奶蛋素及奶素受檢者有補充牛奶以增加鈣質攝取,所以無論素食習慣長短對於骨礦物含量皆無明顯流失,但長期全素飲食者因鈣質攝取的不足,需特別注意腰椎骨質密度及骨礦物流失的情形,建議宜多補充鈣質含量較高的食物及適度的運動以減少骨質的流失。


This study assessed the bone mineral density in vegetarians. A total of 363 subjects aged 20-80 years (56.8±8.4 years) were enrolled in this study. Two hundred seventy-one were non-vegetarian diet, 92 for the vegetarian diet (28 vegan, 53 lacto-ovo-vegetarians, 11 lacto-vegetarians). Long-term vegetarian diet was defined as more than 15 years vegetarian habit. There were 48 long-term vegetarian diets and 44 non-vegetarian diets. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured at the lumbar spine (L1-L4) and the both femoral neck by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). There was no significant difference at BMD between vegetarian diets and non-vegetarian diets. All vegetarian diets were significant decreased BMD at the lumbar spine (P<0.05) whereas no significant difference (left P=0.05; right P=0.04) was found at both femoral neck. The duration of the vegetarian diets were not affected the BMD and bone mineral content (P>0.05), but demonstrated the negative correlation with bone mineral content. However, the lacto-ovo-vegetarians and lacto-vegetarians had not a significant loss BMD due to highly calcium intake. Therefore, we suggest intake calcium supplement and moderate exercise would reduce further bone loss.
