  • 期刊

Tc-99m Sestamibi Myocardial Perfusion SPECT in a Patient with Situs Inversus Totalis: A Case Report of Rare Anomaly

使用鎝-99m sestamibi心肌灌注顯檢查於完全性內臟異位患者:一罕見之病例報告


完全性內臟異位是一種罕見的疾病,異常特徵是器官整個左右相反。胸腔中的心臟的位置依長軸的方向左右反轉。一位83歲的女性患者(先前已診斷完全性內臟異位),安排至核醫科執行一項鎝-99m MIBI SPECT心肌灌注顯檢查。核醫心肌灌注顯檢查(針對完全性內臟異位患者)要得到最佳的影像仍有許多要注意地方。判讀影像醫師及醫事放射師對鏡像右位心之影像需要了解且有許多需要了解的參數設定(如配合完全性內臟異位患者心電圖貼片特殊貼法、SPECT之取得影像設定及SPECT影像之後處理…)。這篇病例報告,我們報告一個罕見的完全性內臟異位者於鎝-99m MIBI SPECT心肌灌注顯檢查。


Situs inversus totalis (SIT) is a rare anomaly characterized by transposition of organs to the opposite site of the body. The position of the heart in the thorax determines the orientation of the long axis of the apex (base-to-apex axis). An 83-year-old female patient with a previous diagnosis of SIT was referred to the exam with Tc-99m sestamibi (Tc-99m MIBI) myocardial perfusion SPECT (Tc-99m MIBI SPECT) in the nuclear medicine department. Performance of Tc-99m MIBI SPECT acquired optimal images can be challenging in SIT. It is crucial for technologists and interpreting physicians to understand of dextrocardia and concern many technical issues (e.g., acquisition of electrocardiography, SPECT acquisition, SPECT processing...). In this case report, we demonstrate the rare anomaly with mirror-image dextrocardia by Tc-99m MIBI SPECT.
