  • 期刊

動態對比增強磁振造影對於Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease診斷的評估-病例報告

The Evaluation of DCE MRI in Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease-Case Report


Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease是一種小兒股骨頭壞死的疾病,尤其好發於5-6歲的男童。由於骨頭壞死在理學核查的表現是不具特異性,只可觀察到部份病人有跛行的狀況。X光片在早期的表現也跟正常人一樣,很難區分異常。電腦斷層掃瞄(CT)雖然比一般X光對骨骼的密度和形狀有更高的解析度,但仍不足以診斷出此病症且真有高輻射線。磁振造影檢查(Magnetic resonance imaging, MRI)可以提供更敏感的骨骼變化影像,其中動態對比增強磁振造影(Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI; DCE MRI)通常用來提供腫瘤血液供應的資訊,在肌肉骨骼系統上的使用也逐漸廣泛。本文小兒案例因為髖關節股骨頭的問題求診,在一股X光影像無法確診的狀況下,經臨床醫師開立磁振造影檢查單,並加做動態對比增強磁振造影序列;在一般打顯影劑前後的影像無法明顯突顯問題所在的狀況下,動態對比增強影像提供了血流分佈的特性,經由時間訊號供應曲線(Time-signal intensity curve)的表現,區分出患部壞死與感染的差異,對於醫師早期診斷Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease有很大的幫助。此病例提供了動態對比增強磁振造影不僅是除了腫瘤,還有骨頭方面疾病的判讀助益,尤其是對於小兒股骨頭壞死部份,提高了診斷準確度。




We usually use Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI for differentiating the benign from malignant soft tissue tumors, which can be applied extensively in musculoskeletal system now. This kid came to hospital because of hip pain. We arrange for MRI after routine X-ray examination. He took contrast enhanced and DCE MRI. DCE MRI can provide information of distribution for blood supply. It's useful especially when the condition of contrast enhancement not so clear in children. We can differentiate necrosis from infection by using time-signal intensity curve resulted from DCE MRI, and would be helpful for doctor in making diagnosis of Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease. In conclusion, this case reveals that DCE MRI can improve the accuracy of MRI examination.
