  • 期刊


Evaluating Planning Target Volume Margin of Active Breathing Control-gated Radiotherapy by Using Image-Guidance System


本研究在評估使用主動呼吸調控系統(Active Breathing Coordinator^(TM) system, ABC system)擺位時所得出其結果,是否可縮小治療計畫靶體積外擴緣(PTV margins, M_(PTV))照射的範圍。從2014年8月至2015年6月共取10位胸腔部位腫瘤之病患進行前瞻性研究,病患於吸飽氣閉氣(breathing hold, BH)狀態下執行電腦斷層定位取像並進行治療計劃之規劃。治療時同步讓病患透過此技術暫停呼吸。每天治療前進行BH之擺位,每週進行一次自由呼吸(free breathing, FB)擺位;共收集205組BH及48組FB影像進行統計分析,其中發現二者A/P軸平均位移有顯著差異(p<0.05)。參考van Herk's M_(PTV) = 2.5Σ+0.7σ mm進行三軸評估,BH 在S/I、R/L、A/P方向M_(PTV)為5.1 mm、3.9 mm、3.3 mm,FB 在S/I、R/L、A/P方向MPTV為5.3 mm、6.3 mm、8.1 mm。結果顯示BH進行治療前的擺位是可以縮小治療計畫靶體積外擴緣。


This study investigated patient set-up margins under Active Breathing Coordinator^(TM) system (ABC system) whether planning target volume margins (PTV margins, M_(PTV)) can be reduced. The results were assessed by free breathing (FB) and breathing hold (BH). From August 2014 to June 2015, this prospective study included a total of 10 patients with thoracic tumor and all patients were performed computed tomography (CT) scanner and treatment planning through BH. Patients held the breath during treatment through the ABC system. BH set-up acquired portal film images every day before treatment and FB was repeated every week. BH and FB images were collected with 205 and 48 groups, respectively. There was a significant difference of shift between two groups (p <0.05). Based on van Herk's M_(PTV) = 2.5Σ + 0.7σ mm for X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis assessment, M_(PTV) of BH in S/I, R/L, A/P directions were 5.1 mm, 3.9 mm, 3.3 mm, respectively. MPTV of FB in S/I, R/L, A/P directions were 5.3 mm, 6.3 mm, 8.1 mm, respectively. The conclusion is that BH reduces M_(PTV) efficiently.
