

在臨床應用上,張口攝影術平均重照率可達31.4%,年輕放射師甚至更高達44.4%,因此了解高重照率的原因實屬需要,本篇研究試著以放射師年資的主觀因素與病患頸椎解剖構造的客觀因素來進行張口攝影術的重照原因分析。本研究以回溯型方式蒐集資料與分析影像,期間共有102位病患被納入研究,首先將放射師依年資分成年輕放射師族群與資深放射師族群並且記錄重照次數用以分析主觀因素,其次將病患頸椎側位像之解剖構造分成參考距離、參考角度與參考比例,此三項數據皆被測量與紀錄用以分析客觀因素。統計分析方式分別以卡方檢定法來分析族群之間與重照率之關聯性,以及獨立t檢定來分析客觀因素與重照率之關聯性。根據結果顯示,年輕放射師族群的重照率為44.4%並有顯著的統計意義(p = 0.036),參考距離與重照率亦有顯著的統計意義(p = 0.033)。本研究結論為年輕放射師執行張口攝影術的重照率顯著偏高,重照率亦與病患的頸椎參考距離有顯著的關聯性。


頸椎 張口 放射攝影術 重照率


Retake rate of C1-2 open mouth radiography is high. We try to find out the reasons associated with the retake rate by analyzing the subjective factors of the radiological technologist and the objective factors of the patient's anatomy. A total of 102 patients were collected. The operation experiences of technologists were divided into the young and senior groups. The reference distance, angle, and proportion of the cervical spine lateral image were objective factors. Chi-square test and independent t-test were used to analyze the relationship between subjective factors and retake rate and between objective factors and retake rate, respectively. The average retake rate of the young group was 44.4% with significant statistical relationship (p = 0.036). There was significant statistical relationship between the reference distance and the retake rate (p = 0.033). The retake rate of the young group performing the open mouth projection was significantly higher and the reference distance was significantly correlated.


cervical spine open mouth radiography retake rate
