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Environmental Humanity and Sustainability in Tzu Chi's Charity Movements



本篇論文闡述台灣慈濟志業創辦人 證嚴上人教導慈濟人實踐資源回收再製,國際人道救援,和素食齋戒的人文教化,將佛教「淨心」「利他」的心行,接軌環境倫理與永續發展的全球脈動。論文結論指出,慈濟國際賑災跨越種族、國籍、宗教藩籬,永續人類共善的倫理,而慈濟志業更透過大眾傳播媒體的影響力,永續環境教育的道德良知,並讓飲食文化傳承「克己復禮」的生活型態,永續人類克制慾望的心靈價值。本論文呈現台灣慈濟環保人文的行動實例,提供全球環境永續議題討論的參考。


慈濟 證嚴上人 永續 環保人文 跨宗教


This paper discusses Dharma Master Cheng Yen's religious teachings of purification and benefiting others through Tzu Chi volunteers' living practices of waste recycling and production, international humanitarian relief, as well as vegetarianism and fasting, in the globalization context of environmental ethics and sustainable development. The paper concludes three themes. Firstly, the peaceful example of ethical sustainability across ethnicities, nationalities, and religions is undertaken through the efficient actions of Tzu Chi international humanitarian relief to sustain the ethics of common good of humankind. Secondly, the caring example of moral sustainability is presented through the hard work of the Tzu Chi volunteers at the recycling stations island-wide, and brought alive through the mass media communication system to sustain environmental awareness. Thirdly, the loving example of spiritual sustainability is supported through the dietary improvements of vegetarianism and fasting as a way of curbing desires in order to sustain humanistic spirituality. Tzu Chi's Environmental Humanities has evolved into ethical, moral, and spiritual sustainability as a means to serve as a reference for the discussion of environmental ethics and sustainable development.


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