  • 期刊


The Application of Government of Open Data Platform: "e Accounting" App Based on E-invoicing Service Integration Platform


因應台灣民眾環保意識的抬頭,政府於近幾年開始推行電子發票,透過電子發票的發行,民眾可以透過財政部的電子發票整合服務平台,查看所有電子發票的資訊,亦可透過該平台檢視是否有中獎的電子發票,而當電子發票推行到最後便能達到發票無紙化的目的,進而減少樹木的砍伐達到環保的目的。然而自2012年財政部推行電子發票以來,民眾使用的比例並不高,因此本研究以記帳功能結合電子發票實作一款行動軟體應用程式(Mobile Application, App)於Android平台上。本研究App透過財政部稅務資料中心查詢電子發票應用程式介面(API)有效減少使用者輸入記帳項目時所需的時間,本App首創將記帳功能結合社群功能,透過競賽排行有效提升記帳時的趣味性,使用者可以藉由本App來達到方便記帳、便利對獎,且有效提升使用者對於電子發票的接受度進而達到環保愛地球之目的。


Global warming and environment are the rising issues in the last decades. In order to protect the global environment, Taiwanese government has announced lots of policies to help to deduce the damage of Earth. The use of E-Invoice is one of them. Since 1st, January, 2012, Ministry of Finance, R.O.C. has proposed and promoted the use of e-invoice. The statistical analysis shows 8 billion of paper invoices can be economized by using e-invoice. However, in order to encourage people to accept e-invoice, more alternative must be provided. In 2012, Taiwanese government has launched an open-accessed platform, "E-invoicing Service Integration Platform", so everyone with proper applications can access the authorized invoice data, which can be used in varied customized services for the public. Considering the most popular computing devices are cellular phones, this paper proposes a mobile application, "e-Billing", based on e-invoicing service platform and android operating system. E-Billing is not only an e-invoice application, but also keeps users' expense. Moreover, users can launch a competition with friends, who also has installed the app, so they can encourage others to spend less and save more money.


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