  • 期刊


Child Restraint Use Rate in Taiwan: An Investigation in Kaohsiung County and Kaohsiung City Areas


平均每天有3.8個兒童死於意外傷害,其中以交通事故居冠。本研究以問卷調查法及實地觀察法比較城鄉安全座椅使用現況的差異及探討影響安全座椅使用的因素。 本研究以立意取樣的方式,取得高雄地區幼稚園的同意,進行郵寄問卷及觀察性調查,分別取得477份及512份家長及學童之交通安全行為資料。 研究結果顯示,調查法所得的安全座椅使用率遠高過觀察式調查法所得到的結果。安全座椅使用率在高雄縣、巿有顯著的差異。駕駛人的交通安全行為及性別、車內小孩的人數、以及被載小孩的年齡與孩童是否使用安全座椅有顯著的關係。國內安全座椅使用率偏低,政府應加強鄉鎮及有不使用安全座椅保護孩童傾向的家長之教育宣導。實地觀察法較能準確估計出安全座椅使用現況。


Averagely, 3.8 children die of accident related injuries everyday in Taiwan and motor vehicle crashes is the leading cause for the lost of the young lives. Ministry of Transportation and Communications enacted laws to require mandatory child restraint use, but the effectiveness of the law remains unclear. The study was undertaken to determine the rate of child restraint use, factors for use and nonuse, and a better method to measure the use. Observations were conducted at the parking lots of randomly selected day care centers. Drivers and passengers were observed and interviewed to determine for their restraint use. Questionnaires were mailed to parents of the other half randomly selected day care centers to obtain the same information. A total of 477 and 512 responses were obtained from the mailed survey and the observational study respectively. The result of the mailed survey suggested a rate of 39.8% of child restraint use, which was higher than 9.2% from the observational study. Restraint use was significantly higher in Kaohsiung City than that in Kaohsiung. Driver seatbelt use, gender, the number of child passengers in the car, and the age of child passengers were all strong predictors of child restraint use. The results demonstrate the need for public education campaigns to educate parents about child restraint use, especially for parents in rural areas and those who are less likely to use safety restraints. In addition, an observational study is a better method to estimate the prevalence of car seat use than a mailed survey.


靖娟文教基金會。<兒童安全座椅您了解嗎?>。上網日期:2008 年3月9 日,取自http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!ZCJEpTKWHhKdM5NqfhJT/article?mid=611
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