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The Study of Loneliness, Alienation, and Subject Well-Being between Professional Baseball Fan and Non-fan during COVID-19


人類居住之外在大自然環境災難,如海嘯、颱風和重大疾病等會對人類生活造成影響,過往研究顯示災難不只造成民眾死傷,民眾也會因為生活環境改變,增加孤單、寂寞、焦慮或降低幸福感。2020年新冠肺炎蔓延全球,可說是世紀災難,嚴重影響全世界民眾日常生活,而體育賽事一向皆能激發觀眾情緒,疫情初期全世界職業賽事都處於停賽狀態,臺灣中華職棒聯盟為全世界第一個唯一正常比賽運動聯盟。研究問題:本研究乃欲探討新冠肺炎期間臺灣地區民眾的寂寞、疏離感和幸福感,是否因為中華職棒的開打,而造成中華職棒之球迷和非球迷之間產生不同程度感受。研究方法:本研究調查期間係在臺灣地區中華職棒開打後兩個月,研究回收229份問卷,有效問卷回收率為92%,採用SPSS 18.0版及Amos 20.0,就所蒐集問卷進行信效度分析、敘述性統計分析、T檢定、結構方程模式分析。研究結果:球迷與非球迷在寂寞、疏離感、幸福感三者存在顯著差異,球迷之寂寞和疏離感低於非球迷,球迷之幸福感則高於非球迷,而疏離感、寂寞和主觀幸福感三者間存在顯著負向相關關係,整體而言調查結果顯示疫情期間運動賽事舉辦對於球迷會產生正面心理影響效果。結論:本研究結果可提供發生疫情地區之各國政府與職業運動賽事機構參考,肯定職業運動賽事對於之民眾心理鼓舞作用。


Beyond human inhabitations, numerous natural disasters such as tsunami, typhoon and major diseases affect human life. Previous studies have shown that disasters not only cause death and injury but also increase loneliness, anxiety or reduce well-being because of changes in their daily environments. In 2020, COVID-19 has spread across the world, which is a 21century disaster and seriously affects people daily life globally. Sports events have always been able to arouse the mood of audience. At the beginning of COVID-19, professional sport events around the world were suspended. CPBL was the first one in the world that went on normally. Research problem: this study aims to investigate the impact of the outbreak of COVID-19 on loneliness, alienation, and well-being in Taiwan, and to examine whether the start of the Chinese professional baseball season has led to different levels of feelings between fans and non-fans. Methods: This study investigates the psychological effects of loneliness, alienation, and subjective well-being on fans and nonfans of the Chinese professional baseball team two months after the start of the game in Taiwan from a cognitive perspective. 229 questionnaires were returned for the study and the return rate of the valid questionnaires was 92%. The statistical analysis software SPSS version 18.0 and Amos 20.0 were used to analyze the collected questionnaires using reliability analysis, narrative statistical analysis, T-test, and structural equation. Results: the result reveals that there are differences between professional baseball fans and non-fan in terms of loneliness, alienation, and subject well-being. Fans' loneliness and alienation are lower than non-fans', while fans' well-being is higher than non-fans'. Values: there is a significant negative correlation among alienation, loneliness and well-being. Overall, the research shows that sports events held during COVID-19 have positive effects on professional baseball fans. Research results can provide those governments and professional sport institutes as a reference to inspire people in epidemic areas.
