  • 期刊


Media Discourse of Polling and Its Construction of Public Opinion: From a Perspective of Critical Linguistics


民意調查近幾年來已成為人們展現意見的最佳場域,但民調報導論述所展現的民意現象,也反映了媒體再現與論述真實建構的相關問題,換言之,媒體(或政治人物等)如何藉由媒體的公開特性,以及語藝論述的表現,進而順理成章地建構「公眾」意見,甚至是所謂的「真實」意見,的確是一個值得探討的問題意識。因此本研究將從論述分析的批判語言學角度說明媒體如何報導民調論述,以及分析報紙民調報導論述所建構的民意意涵。 本研究歸納整理出三種民調報導民意建構的型式,一是使用多數/少數論述,建構通則化與兩極化意見;二是使用霸權與構連的方式來建構「主流」的意見;三是應用數字百分比以及因果論述建構「事實」、「客觀」的意見。


Public opinion polling has become the best space for representing people's opinions. The media discourse of polling reports reflects questions regarding media representation and construction of reality. That is to say, how media (or politicians) use publicity and discourse to construct ”public” opinion and ”reality” is really worth discussing. Therefore, this paper adopts a critical linguistics approach to analyze the meaning of discourse in public opinion polling reports. The results of this paper conclude three types of polling discourse formats: 1. using majority/minority discourse to construct generalized or polarized opinions; 2. using hegemony and articulation discourse to construct ”main stream” opinions; 3. using percentage and causality discourse to construct ”real” and ”objective” opinions.


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