  • 期刊


Decision-Making Process and Touch Point Analysis of User-Generated Content: An Application of Sequential Pattern Mining Technique


本研究發展出適合解釋網路素人創作內容決策歷程的SSVS 模型,並彙整出各決策階段所涉及之各式觸動點。在透過循序樣式探勘技術分析第一期第三次「台灣傳播調查資料庫」資料後,研究結果支持了SSVS 模型;高、低投入度者與有創作經驗者都經歷SSVS 四個決策階段,而無創作經驗者則會略過最後分享階段。此外,社群媒體與內容分享網站是最重要的觸動點,高投入度與有創作經驗者較可能產生跨觸動點行為及呈現較多元的觸動點組合樣式。


This study develops an SSVS model for user-generated content (UGC), which synthesizes the marketing decision-making models. In addition, the marketing concept of touch points is introduced, and the key touch points for each UGC decision-making stage are summarized herein. Sequential pattern mining of secondary data collected from the 2014 Taiwan Communication Survey reveals results supportive of the SSVS model. People both highly and minimally engage with UGC, and UGC creators complete the four decision-making stages of SSVS. However, people who do not create UGC tend to skip the stage of sharing. In addition, social media and content sharing sites are the two critical touch points across the four decision-making stages. Furthermore, individuals highly engaged UGC and creators of UGC are more likely to use multiple touch points and have varied touch point combination patterns across the four decision-making stages.


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