

目的 最近幾年愛滋病患明顯增加,為避免醫療從業人員因意外而感染愛滋病,一種快速且簡單的偵測HIV抗體的方法是必須的。 方法 已知的二十個愛滋病患的血清。另外從二十個肛門濕疣病人的指尖血,以亞培公司生產的 Determine HIV一1/2試紙和傳統的MEIA來檢測HIV抗體。 結果 有的愛滋病患以 Determine HIV一1/2測試都呈現陽性反應。16個肛門濕疣病人,兩種檢驗都呈陰性反應。另4個肛門濕疣病人,兩種檢驗都呈陽性反應。這四個肛門濕疣病人後來經西方點墨法證實是新增愛滋病患。 結論 Determine HIV一1/2來檢測HIV抗體,其敏感度和用傳統MEIA的一樣。而且只要15分鐘,DetermineHIV1/2的結果便可得知。對於感染 HIV 的高危險病人,吾人可利用此試紙來作篩檢。針對陽性反應病人採取必要的防範措施減少意外感染的機率。


Determine HIV-l /2 HIV 肛門濕疣


Purpose. The cases of patient with AIDS have been increasing dramatically in recent years. In order to reduce the number of health care personnel infected from occupational contact with HIV, a quick, simple and reliable method for detection of patients with HIV infection is demanded. Materials and Methods. A total of 4O patients were enrolled. The serum of twenty patients with AIDS was tested with Determine HIV-1/2 test strip at the laboratory department. The whole blood of another twenty outpatients with anal condyloma acuminatum were tested with Determine HIV-1/2 strip and MEIA method. Results. Determine HIV-1/2 tests of the patients with AIDS were positive (100%). In sixteen of twenty patients with anal condyloma acuminatum, Determine HIV-1/2 test and MEIA method were negative. In four of twenty patients with anal condyloma acuminatum, Determine HIV-l/2 test and MEJA method were positive. The four patients with positive results were proven to be cases of newly acquired HIV infection by Western blot. Conclusion. The Determine HIV-1/2 test is as sensitive as the MEIA method for detecting antibodies of HIM Patients who are at high risk of HIV infection can be screened with this strip test. Health care personnel can take special precaution when treating these patients who have had a positive result.
