

目的 源自於闌尾的腺癌是個很罕見的疾病,世界上,愈來愈多機構試圖找尋針對此疾病最好的治療方針。為此,我們進行院內的病歷回顧,並比較我們與世界各機構的治療結果。方法 我們總共分析了16個病人。包括比較病人的疾病表現、手術相關的資料、及總存活天數。結果 病患若接受腫瘤根除手術加上廣泛腹內腫瘤清除手術或術中高溫水療,則有較好的存活趨勢。結論 本院在治療闌尾腺癌上,結果與世界其他報告相符。但是在腫瘤細胞根除手術及術中高溫化學治療這方面,尚未達成現今世界上的治療趨勢。我們建議在台灣應該成立專責的治療機構,才能提供病人最好的照顧。


Purpose. Primary adenocarcinoma of the appendix is a rare condition. Institutions around the world have tried to find out the best treatment protocol for these patients. We perform a retrospective chart review, at our hospital, to analyze our treatment result of the past 15 years and compare them to those published in the literature.Methods. A total of 16 patients are analyzed. Patient demographics, presentation, peri-operative data and total survival are compared.Results. There is a trend of survival benefit for patients who receive operation with curative intent. A trend of survival benefit can be seen in patients who receive hyperthermia therapy for pseudomyxoma peritonei.Conclusion. The current practice in our hospital for primary adenocarcinoma of the appendix is comparable to that published in the literature. There is a room for the practice of cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy for appendiceal pseudomyxoma peritonei. Referral centers should be established in Taiwan to provide best treatment options for these patients.
