  • 期刊


The New Thinking and Strategy for Cross-Strait Peaceful Development: From Economic and Trade Integration toward Political Harmony


本文強調兩岸目前最迫切的政策便是進行經濟整合,配合上「建立互信、擱置爭議、相互扶攜、同中存異、共創雙贏」原則下的「善意」政策,是最佳的政策選擇,雙邊共同追求經濟合作和簽署經貿合作協議,進而在政治互信上建立協商和簽署和平協定,為兩岸建立一個經貿發展的「和平工程」。而兩岸最壞的政策選擇無疑是以政治先行和以經貿當作制裁手段,並以敵意政策為首要考量,兩岸勢必陷入惡性的政經對抗局勢,讓兩岸處於衝突與雙輸的不利格局。因此,在現階段的兩岸關係發展中,如何實現兩岸關係和平發展,結束兩岸敵對狀態,深化互利雙贏的交流合作和經濟文化交流,自是目前兩岸當局重要的政策目標。 針對處理當前兩岸和平發展的經貿新思維議題,本文主要從四個部分來加以探討:第一,分析當前兩岸善意互動和兩岸政策的轉變,如何改善兩岸關係並開啟兩岸的和平發展。其次,探討現階段兩岸和平發展新思維的策略選擇,如何追求與創造兩岸「和平」與「發展」的雙贏格局。第三,強調經貿整合是兩岸和平發展的第一步,這是兩岸現階段最大利基的「和平工程」,從經貿出發奠定和平發展基礎。第四,針對兩岸經貿發展的可能途徑與平台進行分析與探討。


This paper aims at the importance and emergence of implementing economic integration for cross-strait development. The goodwill policy based on confidence building, avoiding dispute, mutual benefit, existing differentiation, creating win-win is the best policy choice. By way of pursuing economic cooperation and signing the cooperation agreement on trade, all these would be conducive to building political trust for cross-strait development. This strategic way and agreement would be considered as a peace engineer for cross-strait economic and trade development. It is also assumed that the worst policy choice is put on the situation of political stalemate or deadlock with political consideration before economic interest. Hostile policy for cross-strait relation will lead to disadvantages of conflict and impasse situation. There are four parts will be emphasized in this paper in order to deal with new thinking and new goodwill strategy for cross-strait relations. The first will be focused on the transition for cross-strait policy transformation and goodwill interaction. The second will be paid attention on the new thinking and new strategy on recent cross-strait peaceful development and then how to reach the win-win situation for both peace and development. The third is to stress the importance for the economic cooperation and integration as the cornerstone of approaching cross-strait peace engineer. The last is to raise and analyze some possible approaches and policy for further cross-strait economic and trade development.


