  • 期刊


Review of the Economic and Industrial Relations between Taiwan and Japan


本研究使用J.H. Dunning教授的OLI Paradigm(折衷理論)對台灣之對內投資,與日本企業對台投資第一波1965年至今四十多年來的情況,進行分析。其次,以台日經濟交流的兩大主要產業─汽車業與TFT-LCD產業為中心,釐清灣企業與日本企業之間的合作現況。最後,觀測日本3/11東北大震災之影響與台日企業國際分工的新動向,並展望在新國際政經情勢下,台日經濟產業關係之未來發展。在東亞區域的新經濟統合之脈動下,台日間未來有必要透過FTA或EPA等模式,建構較強的夥伴關係。一方面,在台灣企業之地位相對提升下,日本似乎應積極建構納入臺灣企業之水平分工網絡,以補強日本國內垂直分工型之供應鏈體系的不足。


This study is to analyze the internal investment in Taiwan and the investment which Japanese enterprises invested to Taiwan for more than 40 years from 1965, by OLI Paradigm of Professor J.H. Dunning. Secondly, this study makes further explanations on the current status of cooperation between Taiwanese enterprises and Japanese enterprises based on the industry of automotive and TFT-LCD which are the two major industries for the economic exchanges between Taiwan and Japan. Finally, to observe the new trends of the international division of labor between Taiwan and Japan, and the influence caused by 3/11 Northeast Great Earthquake Disaster in Japan, as well as to prospect the future development of the economic and industrial relations between Taiwan and Japan under the new international political and economic situation.Under the dynamics of regional economic integration in the East Asian area, it is necessary for Taiwan and Japan to construct a stronger partnership through FTA or EPA. On the other hand, the status of Taiwanese companies are getting higher than before relatively when compared to Japanese companies , it seems good to Japan to aggressively build a network of the level division of labor included Taiwanese enterprises, to reinforce the lack of supply chain of the vertical division of labor in Japan's domestic market.


